New Year's Eve!

924 30 31

Hopefully 2021 will be better :')

(If there are any translation mistakes in this oneshot I'm sorry >///< I rushed this out today, so I hope I don't offend anyone-)

Enjoy! Wow this is my last oneshot of 2020!! And what an eventful year of writing it has been-

Aus have been created, many sins have been committed(looking at y'all hornty ily you guys still though), and mostly, many votes, reads(97K as of today wOAH!) and wonderful comments. Thank you so much all of you from the bottom of my heart :) ❤️


"Das wird alles für heute Abend sein. Genießen Sie Ihren Neujahrstag, jeder.(1)"

"Ладно, эта встреча окончена. Хорошего вам празднования Нового года.(2)"

"Vielen Dank, haben Sie eine gute Nacht, Minister.(3)

"Спасибо. Спокойной ночи.(4)" 

Germany closed his laptop and slumped in his chair, inhaling long and slow after a long meeting with his government. 

A loud thump outside made him reluctantly stand up and stumble out of the room he had holed up in to do the video call. He unlocked the door and poked his head out, only to snort with laughter as he saw his most beloved grumbling under his breath in Russian while fighting with his tie that Germany had expertly tied on himself a few hours ago.

The laughter made Russia look up, and he froze mid-tug on the dark blue tie to stare at the doubled-over figure of the German countryhuman, who was laughing loudly at him behind his hand. 

"Что-, What are you laughing at?!" He exclaimed, straightening himself and moving over to his boyfriend to ruffle his neatly styled black hair up with a wicked grin.


Germany shoved him playfully and reached up to do the same to him, but then paused. He grinned just as evilly back and left the gelled and combed white hair alone, knowing how much Russia hated it in the first place. He was right, when Russia huffed in mock annoyance and ruffled his hair up himself, letting the white strands return back to their usual mess. 

"You just messed up half an hour of hard work-" Germany whined and attempted to push back the mess into order. Russia only smirked and grabbed his waist with both hands, pulling him into his chest swiftly. 

"Would you rather kiss a prissy politician, or your boyfriend who you love very much~?"

Germany paused and stared up at him with those golden eyes, then put his arms on his shoulders, hands holding on to the back of his neck. "...who said I loved you very much~?" He said teasingly before kissing him sweetly on the lips, running his hands through the gelled hair and messing them up.

Any smart retort Russia had like "Oh? You don't?" in a hurt tone disappeared in an instant as he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his body and hugging him close. 

Germany smiled into their kiss and let go, pressing their foreheads together as the clamour and joyful buzz of the new years countdown going on in his territory echoed in his mind. There was no huge celebration this year, so the noises were quieter, which was slightly disheartening if he focused too much on it. 

Russia hummed and listened into the clamour going on in the Russian Federation's span on the Earth as well. This type of joy didn't cause any pain or headaches for their countryhuman representatives, so it was fine for them to celebrate with their citizens. Unfortunately, this wasn't the right year for large parties. 

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