You were all my Family

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Because giving Russia one chapter of angst wasn't enough :D

This oneshot takes place early in the Rusger relationship, say the year 2000

Thank you to the creator who made the video above, it kept me sane and laughing like a mad lad while writing this oneshot.

Before proceeding further to the story I must recommend watching the video for a crumb of serotonin first, because you won't find any in here :DD

Reminder that they are fictional characters in this story and don't correlate to anything in real life! Thank you!

Facts to start you off: The Soviet kids are kind of split into 3 generations, the OG 1920s till 1929(Who we will be focusing on today), the 1936s (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), and the 1940s(Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova)

Russia had been raised thinking that he was the eldest so he has a firstborn child mindset, but we will come to realize that it is not the case today ;) It's not a big detail I wrote in the story, so just something that you can keep in mind for some extra flavour-

(Please forgive my near 5-month long absence from writing, life got in the way-)

This oneshot in a little present box that definitely doesn't have a spring-loaded fist inside it: The cycle of being hurt and hurting others in the process am I right haha >:D

Warning: Blood, broken bones and resetting them(For like 2 sentences), panic/anxiety attacks and a lot of crying

Warning: Things are going to be a lil funky and inconsistent because this oneshot has been written over the progress of several months



'I'm coming to find youu-' Ukraine called out tauntingly, walking lightly with his hands clasped behind his back, purplish-pink eyes peeking over the top of their couch. He pattered down the hallways towards the kitchens with quiet, bare feet, 4-years-old and determined to win their game of hide-and-seek.

Their servant maid Nadia smiled at him as she carried a basket of sun-dried bedsheets back indoors from where they were hanging on the cloths line. He knew Belarus had to been in the kitchen, and Azerbaijan upstairs in their closet, but the rest of his siblings would be wildcards, especially RSFSR, who had recently started to gain a liking for climbing up the rafters.

Belarus would love to be a seeker though, so he headed to find her first, throwing open the cupboard to the stores of flour and rice and his crouching sister. 'Surprise!!' He shouted, making her scream but quickly scramble to stand up, giggling as she brushed down the front of her dress.

'Come on! We have to find the others!' She exclaimed at the top of her lungs, grabbing his hand and dragging him back the way he came, tearing up the living room for any sign of their other siblings.

They found Georgia hiding under the massive couch cushions, which made the two of them laugh at their success, while Georgia looked close to tears. A short assurance later though and they were all off again, scouring the entire upper first floor.

Azerbaijan was right there, inside the closet as always and begrudgingly resisting his sibling's teasing and insisting that he Did have other hiding spots, just that he didn't want to use them. That just left Armenia and RSFSR. Unpredictable.

'Remember to look Up!' Belarus shouted as they decided to split up, pointing towards the roof. So far there was no flash of red or blue hanging from the rafters, so Ukraine had his hopes up that maybe, he won't have to climb up there to get his brother. He didn't understand how he liked it there, high up and with no support, not that it was scary to him, of course.

Rusger Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें