Wholesome Nesting and Cuddles

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Titles hA-

(is it wholesome? mwhaha mostly- ;))

Presenting to you, the Omegaverse AU!

(Sorry for it being so late I was really busy with school :'D Hope da double chapters can make up for it-) 

(To anyone else struggling or surviving through school, you got this. I believe in you, and we're gonna get through this hellhole together :3)

I hope you enjoy!


Germany: Russland.

Germany: Get up here right now please.

Germany: RUSSLAND.


What? I thought you were working : Russia

Germany: I am but I'm stressed out come upstairs now.

Russia read the text and immediate got up from the couch, jogging up the stairs two at a time. "Германия?" 

Their office room was empty, even though there was a lingering scent left behind. He looked around and went to follow the scent trail, opening his mouth slightly and not just using his nose. The door to their bedroom was pushed almost closed, and he smiled softly before knocking.

"Германия? Can I come in?"

"Ja. You can. I'm not nesting-"

"You're not?" Russia pushed the door open and poked his head in. Their bed was normal, and there was still no sight of a certain omega. His scent was stronger, so he was definitely in here somewhere. 

He grinned when he realized he didn't even have to find him by smell, and walked silently to their huge closet that Germany had insisted they buy instead of a usual one because he liked the enclosed, dark space. They had a second one downstairs that was solely used for his nesting instead of keeping clothes, filled with scented blankets and other materials for a proper nest. Russia heard the clacking of his keyboard several feet away before he even touched the slightly ajar door. 

"Found you~" Germany stared up at him with his beautiful golden eyes behind his glasses when he fully opened the closet door. "Took you long enough." He snarked back playfully, before going right back to typing on his laptop and writing on a small notepad. 

Russia kneeled down to be closer to him on the floor and closed his mouth to hid his fangs before lightly scenting his neck in greeting, getting a brief purr from his mate. 

"You smell anxious, don't you want to nest? You're obviously stressed-" He asked with concern. "No time to nest, work." Germany answered back quickly, his glasses reflecting the bright light from the screen. "Then what are you doing sitting here in our closet?"

"Multitasking. Calming down and working at the same time." He hummed and flipped over a fresh page in his notepad. "Well, is it working?"

Germany stopped moving around for a moment, lifting a piece of dark fabric that was laying beside him to his nose and took a deep whiff, purring louder for a second before putting it down again and typing with seemingly renewed strength. "A bit." 

"...that's my jacket, isn't it?" Russia sighed, and smiled as he looked at his gorgeous, hardworking omega. The latter might not necessary be a good thing sometimes-

"Yep, I'll need the one you're wearing right now too. Then you can leave." He looked back up at him and made grabby hands at it, tugging at the sleeves lightly. "You-" Russia started laughing, and gently batted away his hands. "You have some nerve, любовь~"

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