Berlin 1993

808 22 37

Yay here's some pre-relationship friends for you to read :D

Keep in mind that they'd still quite young here, not kids but also not super mature adults, and Russia literally has zero relationship experience so he'd blind as a bat to any romantic intentions hah-

Remember to take breaks in between, it's kind of long sorry not sorry. Votes and comments are always appreciated! Stay hydrated!

I hope you enjoy reading!!



"Russia!" Germany called out, grinning widely as he waved to try and catch his friend's attention, jogging down the polished hallway to catch up to him after an announced lunch time break from their UN meeting.

Two ice blue irises flashed as he turned around to look at him, white hair exposed and catching in the light, pausing a while to let Germany catch up with a returning smile. "Hey, I thought we're supposed to use normal people names, Ger."

"Yeah, but since the Normal people are gone, what's stopping us?" Germany laughed, shouldering him in a friendly manner and walking by his side, doing his best to match his long strides. "No ushanka, huh?"

"I would love to wear it, but sadly it would clash with the outfit." Russia sighed, using a hand to gesture, making Germany laugh again, lowering his head. "What'cha having for lunch?" He asked.

"Don't know, whatever's good I guess." Russia shrugged, leading them to the lift that would bring them to the cafeteria downstairs. Most of the other members of the meeting were gone, the countryhumans staying behind to chit-chat while their human governments pretended to tolerate each other. "I see you haven't dropped the Californian accent." He teased, watching Germany roll his eyes.

"It's hard to unlearn a habit when you've been living with it for a couple of years. Let alone the New York slang! People think I was born and raised there!" Germany groaned, crossing his arms and tapping the tip of his shoe against the tiles while the lift took its sweet time to arrive. "Well, the Americans love you enough for that, they were being so friendly with you."

"That's the thing, I'm suppose to be German! Not a Yankee." He exclaimed, flicking Russia playfully on the arm in retaliation as he laughed at him more, huffing in mock annoyance and stepping into the lift as soon as the doors slid open.

"Well, for what it's worth, you speak German completely fine. Like a proper native." Russia said reassuringly, stepping in beside him and pressing the button to send them down. Germany flushed a little, arms still crossed as he glanced over, lifting his head up. "Thanks."

They stood in silence for a while, watching the glowy numbers tick down slowly. Russia adjusted the cuffs of his suit jacket around his wrists, fixing his eyes at his side of the lift and keeping his distance respectfully to make sure their shoulders never needed to touch. 

"Hey... Russ. We've been friends for a long time right?" Germany said piped up, soft and quiet and uncertain, nothing like how he was giving that speech earlier, all fluent words and smooth pronunciation in both German and English. He immediately looked over in concern. "Yeah. Why?"

"Can you keep a secret?" He said, rubbing his elbow with one hand and staring at the tips of his shoes. The lift dinged loudly as it reached their floor, opening up to the cafeteria and gentle mumblings of other UN meeting members talking and eating their lunches.

"What do you mean you haven't been to Berlin?!" Russia whisper-hissed as they walked out, their body languages and posture immediately changing, spines straightening and looking directly ahead importantly but also not calling attention to themselves, striding towards the lunch lines calmly. "For a long time, jeez!! I haven't been to Berlin or anywhere near my territory since my reunification!"

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