Cuddling Undercover

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Sorry for disappearing again XD

I give you a trio of Fluff, Angst and Smut, as you can see I posted three oneshots-

Take your pick and enjoy :3


Germany walked in step with the other suit-clad men around him, keeping relaxed and otherwise not nervous at all for the upcoming meetings about trade agreements. It involved several of the other European countries, along with his boyfriend. He was both excited to be seeing him for most of the day, but not so excited about having to listen to the droning speeches.

One of his men started up conversation with him, and he chatted with him while they walked to their conference room, strolling through the long, sun-lit hallways of the Bundestag. 

From the other end of the hall, their group started to hear more voices and slowed down right in front of the room they were scheduled to go into, and spotted the group of Russian representatives coming towards them.

Light introductions and conversation started off, both groups getting along fairly well but still being a bit aloft with one another. Germany simply stood off to the side and took out his phone, scrolling through his notes again to prepare for the meeting. 

A finger tapped the top of his phone and made him look up in surprise, seeing two ice blue eyes staring at him amusedly. "I was Saying, Mr Krüger, it's nice to see you." Russia suppressed a smile as he offered his hand to shake again. Germany tried not to gap in shock and keep his face as neutral as possible as he took the hand, putting away his phone.

"What are you doing?" He hissed softly. "Just wanted to say hi, obviously." Russia whispered back, letting a small smile grace his lips for a brief second. Germany felt a blush creeping up his neck and quickly looked away from his boyfriend, smirking just slightly when he heard Russia laughing faintly.

"What's so funny, Nikolaevich?" He snarked and glanced at him again, holding his hands behind his back. "Nothing." 

Russia had schooled his features back to a neutral expression again, nonchalantly gesturing at his suit. "Nice jacket. Personalized and tailored?"

"Yes. I like yours too-" Germany answered back, making random small talk with him. Russia simply hummed and nodded every so slightly. They were among normal people, their politicians. There were two things to hide, their countryhuman identities and their relationship. He make sure there was a good amount of distance between them and continued waiting for the meeting to begin.

"Mr State Secretary?" A voice got their attention, and Germany smiled politely at the man that had walked up to his side. "Hello, Mr Wagner." He greeted one of his newest politicians, then turning towards Russia again, who had tilted his head to the side curiously. "This is Mr Lanstov, from the Russian Federation." 

"It's nice to meet you." Mr Wagner said, holding out his hand. "The pleasure is mine." Russia greeted back while giving him the politest grin, Germany nearly snorting from laughter behind him. He schooled his features to neutrality in a second when the man turned back to face him in question. "Something wrong, sir?"

"No." He answered back without missing a beat, smiling faintly at him. "We should go in now, the meeting is about to begin." 

Germany inclined his head for the older man to walk first, glancing one more time at Russia's direction. "Good to see you, Nikolaevich. I hope you'll have a good day ahead of you." He smiled again, before turning away from him and walking with his politician.

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