Worst Nightmares: Russia

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...why do you want to know about my worst nightmares?

If you want to hurt me with this knowledge, go ahead. I'm stronger than I was back then, and I know Германия will have been more open with his own. If you want to hurt him as well, you will have through me.

I knew this was a bad idea. I can't share things as easily as Ger, I'm not cut out for this.

I've only shared this with him, I trust him. And a few other people. Why should I trust you?

I don't like to trust people. Not anymore. You're a child, you don't know anything.

Do you know what it feels like to have someone ripped away from your life, but not in the way of death?

... I didn't mean it that way. Look- all I'm saying is I can't- it's not that I don't want to, Ger did it. I promised him so would I.

... why would we even do something like this. I don't know.

 I... it's different. My story's different from his, how do I even tell it?

I'm not the only one with problems. I don't have it worst, it would be unfair to compare pains with other people.

I won't trust you. But I will share my nightmare with you. If you chose to listen.

One time. That's all you get.

My nightmares, are...my past, memories of the worst moment in my life. When I mean to have someone ripped away from your life but not in death, it could mean a lot of things. Maybe you could understand it as a lose of a friendship, for example. A favourite toy you haven't seen since you were a kid. An emotional bond.

It's- It's stupid. I'm not a story teller.

I can't explain it to you in detail, like Germany must've done. I'm not sorry.

You'll just go through it all by yourself, I bet.

Poor sad two of us, lost our fathers at such a young age. I wasn't young. I didn't have a set age. We age differently, countryhumans, but I think you could consider me a teenager back then.

I was old enough to know better. I should've been more mature.

Do you know what it feels like, to watch someone you love leave your life so abruptly. To watch their entire personality change, to lose all hope and respect for them, until you don't even know who they are to you anymore, and sometimes...maybe you wished that... if they'd died earlier instead... maybe you won't have to feel so much pain.

It's selfish. I'm selfish. I have so many flaws and I don't know what he sees in me.

I'd like to say I don't depend on anyone, or anything. But it'll be lying. I lie about a lot of things.

It was nice to talk to you. Don't tell Ger about anything I said. This stays between us, got it?

And be nice to him. That's all that matters.

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July 6th, 1941

"Dinner's ready!" 

RSFSR paused to wait for the expected reaction from his siblings, which was absolute silence and disregard, before rolling his eyes and pushing two fingers into his mouth, a shrill whistle echoing through the entire house.

Doors started opening, numerous footsteps thundering across the upper level floors before children began pouring down the stairs, running after each other and shouting. Uzbekistan laughed loudly as he leapt onto the banister and whizzed down, stumbling on his feet when he landed on the ground.

Rusger OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora