Pack Nesting

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Requested by: WeimarRepublic2 

More omegaverse at last :D

Them being adorable and Italy being the king we do not deserve-

Okay I hope you enjoy reading!



Germany: ...

Germany: Why are you outside


Germany: Please don't.


Italy: jk I'm using a spare key

There was a click from outside his door, and then the sound of a solid boot not too gently knocking it open, before the Soothing sound of Italian chattering filled Germany's living room, his bags and things dropping everywhere as he walked around like he lived there.

"Ger-Ger, where are you?" Italy cried out, lifting his sunglasses off the bridge of his nose and nestled into his hair, tried to scent his omega best friend. "Avoiding you." A not so distant answer called playfully, and Italy huffed in indignation, hands on his hips as he marched around the house, thankfully kicking off his boots earlier.

"You can't hide forever. And I brought groceries for you! Where do you want me to put this whole pineapple I got you?" He shouted again, digging into a shopping bag and pulling out said prickly pineapple.

"Why did you get me a pineapple??" An utterly confused voice echoed down, making him laugh and finally approach the stairs. "Because! And I found you!" Italy beamed and pointed up at him, forest green irises sparkling.

Germany sighed loudly from the little loft space up in his second floor, which was connected to the stairwells. He was curled up quite comfortably surrounded by spreadsheets, paperwork and his laptop, his own version of a nest. 

"Is it nice up there?" Italy grinned. "You look very comfortable."

"Yeah it is." Germany answered with a soft smile of his own, looking over his screen to stare down at his best friend.

"Well, you're going to have to leave it, unfortunately. You have guests soon!" Italy chirped, his beta scent light and airy, reflecting his emotions.

"Guests? Who?"

"Me, Japan. South said he wants to go shopping too, so he'll join us later for dinner. Spain is busy- he has a client to meet, which gave me nothing to do at home! So I decided to come visit you!"

Germany frantically flipped through his schedule book, golden eyes flickering over the words. "That's not right. We were only supposed to meet for dinner at 7, right?"

"You're absolutely right. But~ I'm here now. And Japan will be here soon too. Sooo- wanna hang out? Just the iconic trio." Italy asked with his arms outstretched, a charming smile on his face.

There was a scoffing laugh, Germany giggling at the absurdity of his question, before shifting from his position on the loft and making his way down, leaving his laptop and work behind.

"Yay!! Come help me unpack the groceries first! I also got you some peas, oh and mango, Russia likes mango, they were on sale! Here's some bread, go put them away, please." Italy chattered happily, handing him stuff and waving him off like he ran the house. Germany grinned and nudged him in the shoulder, their scents familiar and mingling pleasantly, like a coffee shop in the middle of spring.

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