Worst Nightmares: Germany

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Everyone, Behold the angst :D

Aka, what makes them tick, and what broke them. Say goodbye to their childhood personalities :DD


Chaos and trauma reigns in this house-

Also testing out a first person POV (Sort of) for the first time!

Warnings: There will be blood in both, Third Reich and Soviet Union will be characters, plenty of traumatizing moments for them both of course

Also beware they are very long so yeah :D Take breaks in the timeskips!

These two were supposed to be one oneshot but it got too horribly long XDXD

So, there will be another author's note at the very end of Russia's part, where I blabber more about additional info and stuff! 

Comments and votes will be really appreciated <3

Alright enjoy reading here's some tissues for the road!


I don't have much to tell you about my worst nightmare. I was a child, and I was very scared. A child with his entire life just ripped out of his hands. It wasn't a very ideal life, but it was the life that I grew up in, that I got to live with my only family.

Hans ran as fast as he could through the hallways, loud emergency sirens blaring loudly as the enemy breached their safe bunker. He was already gasping for breath, wincing every time he ran pass the speakers, where the noise was loudest.

There was another loud booming sound from the other end of the hallway he just ran from, causing him to whimper softly and press his hands over his ears before turning heel and running again. 

The soles of his black shoes hit the ground hard with every step he took, echoing back to him in the hallway that faded into black, then glowed red again every few seconds. He didn't see anyone, it was like the bunker had been completely deserted. But he was still left here, Papa would have come for him if the soldiers would have retreated for now, so they could strengthen their numbers again, and then they would win the fight this time.

He had to believe that his father was still here. He hadn't left.

...when I was younger, this was the part of the nightmare that scared me the most. The lights, the echo. If I was lucky, it would stop until here, with me running endlessly.

Hans skidded to a stop in front of a door, and immediately reached for the doorknob. He was supposed to always knock first, but the noises were starting to be too much to bare. It was locked.

Panic rushed through him ten-fold, and he rapidly banged on the door, fighting back burning tears that had gathered in his eyes. "P-Papa?"

Another loud boom echoed through the hallway, making the entire bunker shake, followed by foreign yelling and heavy footsteps. "Papa!! Pa- Vater bitte!!" He screamed with more urgency, pressing both hands against the door and shaking it, slamming his palms into the wood in hopes his father could hear him.

His head was starting to spin with all the noises everywhere around him, and he longed to be somewhere else, somewhere not in this concrete bunker, somewhere outside, where he could run away.

This happened when I was eleven. Now looking back... it seems a little naïve.

"Vater? Answer me, Please!" He yelled in German. He had already learnt English, even thought he wasn't completely fluent yet. But at this moment, all his thoughts were in German, his mother tongue, the language of their proud Fatherland. He bite back the urge to cry and sob outside his father's office, closing his hands around the brass doorknob and tugging on it helplessly again.

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