5 Days to Christmas!

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From me 5 days in advance, Merry Christmas everyone!!

I'll be away from my devices on actual Christmas day(I'm going on vacation!) so I thought I would write this ahead of time for once in my life and publish it early WE'RE WINNING! (/j I also procrastinated and thus it is rushed :'D)

This story is also set on December 20th in accordance yippe-

We're letting the boys experience the delights for the last oneshot of 2023! You, beloved reader, should go experience some delights before the new year too!! 

Self-indulge a bit by writing a fanfiction or eat a gingerbread man. If you have snow where you live go touch it for me please thank you (I have never been anywhere close to snow I'm so jealous)

As 2024 rolls around I wish everyone happiness and general positives for the next 366 days (LEAP YEAR WOW), sending all my love, thank you for reading my stories since 2019!

I hope you enjoy reading!!


'WooHoo!!' Came a happy cheer from downstairs, and a sleepy smile creeped its way up Russia's groggy face.

Footsteps thundered back up the stairs, muffled by warm fuzzy socks, skidding against the carpet. Germany reappeared at the door in his long-sleeved peppermint candy themed pajamas, smiling happily as he hopped back into bed.

"Thank you!" He chirped, leaning over to peck him on the lips. The kiss was chaste but electric, literally, because of the static electricity he'd built up running on the carpet, their lips met with a sharp 'zap!' that made him recoil almost immediately.

"Ow-" Russia grumbled, rubbing his mouth with a hand. He was still half-asleep, the cold snowing weather making him lazy and sluggish, content to burrow in warm heated blankets.

The only reason that Germany was even remotely this energic this time of the year was because of the Christmas advent calender that Russia had bought him, counting down all 25 days to the big celebration. 

He could get use to this, though. Every morning since, he'd been waking up to Germany clambering out of bed, cheering in excitement upon seeing his present for the day, and then coming back upstairs to thank him and kiss him on the lips. 

Day 20 turns out to be a handful of chocolate Hershey Kisses, which he was gleefully unwrapping immediately, carefully pulling apart the colourfully decorated tinfoil. "Open up-" Germany said, holding out a piece to his mouth.

Russia looked down and did what he was told, careful not to nick Germany's fingers with his teeth. The milk chocolate melted fast on his tongue, sweet flavours seeping down his throat. Germany flopped back down into bed, his mouth also full with at least 3 more pieces of chocolate as he got comfortable, buddling himself back up in blankets.

"Brr." He shivered, golden eyes flickering to look at him happily. Russia laughed, reaching over to pull him closer and tangle their limbs together, the smell of chocolate and sweet hair shampoo hanging in the space between them.

"Доброе утро, милый." He hummed, nuzzling his nose against his boyfriend's forehead. Germany giggled, squeezing his limbs into every possible crevice between their bodies to absorb as much body heat as possible.

It helped that Russia was shirtless too, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. Germany didn't question his inhuman cold-withstanding abilities and Russia didn't question his parasitic behaviour, despite the fact that they were currently in Berlin, and he should technically be use to this level of cold.

Rusger OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora