Midnight snack

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Proudly presenting.... 

By yours sincerely... :D

*Drumroll and trumpets* >:3


Is just a baby. We can raise dis baby AU to something special I'm sure. This is just something short and sweet for me to fill my free time OwO

Warning: This writer is not in the Harry Potter fandom and so this is probs not going to be very accurate I apologize- XD


"Hey Italy!! I'm going to the kitchen for a snack! You guys want something?"

"Yeah sure! There's pizza rolls in the fridge!!"

"Just a pack of potato chips is good for us!"

Germany giggled at the Japan twins's synchronised answers, despite being separated by their houses, and walked down the stone stairway to the secret exit of the Hufflepuffs's common room entrance.

He said the 'secret' password quickly, the Hufflepuffs were quite willing to share their magic word to their dorms quite easily to anyone they had deemed their friend. And being Italy and Japan's closest friends outside of their houses, he had known it for a long time now.

His dark blue trimmed robe brushed the worn cobblestone floors, as he groped around the tables and drawers for a match to light the lanterns with. He could have used his wand, which was safely tucked in his pocket in his robe, and magic, but he rather not. It was...more fun doing things the 'traditional' way.

Suddenly a small sound of shuffling hit his ears, and he stopped whatever he was doing and cocked his head to listen, hearing the sound of plastic crinkling again from deeper inside the kitchen, along with what sounded like muffled chewing...?

Who could that be? At night, 1 o'clock in the morning to be more precise, eating in the kitchen? The vast room was mostly domineered by the Hufflepuff kids, but it seemed unlikely that any one of them could be up and...eating at this hour. And usually they would go to the dining hall for it.

Germany creeped as silently as he could, using the shadows to conceal himself, hiking up the bottom of his long robe to prevent it from scraping the ground and alerting the person, who seemed to be taking another helping of whatever they were eating and chewing furiously.

Green was what he noticed first. Dark-green trimmed robe. A Slytherin was in the kitchen. He leaned in closer to look, it was a male much taller and stocker than himself, not surprisingly, since literally everyone in the school was bigger or taller than him. That didn't mean stronger or quicker or smarter by the way.

His back was turned towards him, but a small pale glow was emitting from the tip of his hawthorn wood wand that was resting on the countertop beside him. It let him see the box of cookies in his hand, which was opened up at the top ravenously, and some parts of his face. Though Germany couldn't see the main features like the nose, eyes and mouth of the mystery Slytherin, there were not exactly many students in the school with a horizontally white, blue and red coloured face.

His mouth curved up in a small smile, and he continued creeping forward, as silent as a mouse. He let himself walk away from the shadows of the cupboards and other drawers at the walls and came close to the counter where the other student was still munching obliviously on the cookies. He made himself calm down and force his lips down, keeping a somewhat neutral face, and  pretended to have just arrived and surprised.


The person immediately shoot up like a cat, hands fumbling to steady himself on the counter and nearly losing the box of cookies, his eyes locking on to his dark blue badge on his robe first before darting to face him properly. "Ravenclaw-" he stuttered surprisingly through his full cheeks, swallowing hard and gagging a few times before the huge lump of mushy cookies finally went down his throat.

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