Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean

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Happy Mermay everyone!!!

I hope y'all have done amazing art, or anything mermaid related-

If you haven't that's fine too this is my first mermay thing too XD

(This has no relation with any prompts or stuff, I just wanted to write about mermaids because of mermay XDXD)

(also forgive the title-) 

(It was that or simply mERmay tHingy XDXD) 

And since I HAVE a mermaid pirate AU, might as well use it!! 

(if you haven't read it, they are First Watch and Beginnings. Might help keep somethings in check as you read this new chapter :3) 

Also I'm thankful that I finished writing this in time, STIll IN THE MONTH OF MAY!!

No official prompt, just some dumb fluff and two gays being gay for each other but not admitting it because they gotta be tough. While being a mermaid and a pirate. 

Enjoy!!! OwO


Germany was focused on the dark swath of cloud in front of him, gloved hands gripping on to the handles of the steering wheel, long overcoat flapping behind him in the harsh cold wind. The ship rocked left and right under his boots, buffeted by the waves. Bad weather in the Atlantic Ocean, where it was much colder than he was used to already. 

"Captain! Ten more minutes till it hits!!" Gred shouted from the lower deck, beefy hands gripping the rope connecting to the masts. The strong winds hit the sails harshly, and the men were struggling to hold on to them. Germany gritted his teeth together, nervousness bubbling in his gut, but he couldn't let that show. That would be admitting weakness.

Italy hissed beside him as his green and red coat was hit with the ocean's cold spray, and water droplets hung on his hair. He shook it out, and tied it back quickly with a thin piece of fabric. Germany glared enviously at him, his own black hair flopping in a wet inky tangle in front of his eyes, and its not like he could let go of the wheel to tie it back like his first mate.

"Tie back the masts!! We're going to ride this one out!!" He shouted in what he hoped was a strong commanding voice of a captain. The wind howled strongly, and the men strained to pull down the sails and tie them back against the mast. Japan leapt down the high deck to scurry up the middle crow's nest, nimble as a cat, and helped a younger pirate pull back the ropes.

Just in time, all the sails were tied down, when a crew member yelled "HAIL!!". The white frozen rocks of ice rained down from the sky, as thunder rang down like big drums. Germany flinched as one of them hit his arm, smashing to several pieces on contact. All the other men and women were scurrying about, trying to evade the falling chunks of ice. 

Suddenly a huge wave came their way, striking the boat and sending it lurching to its port side. All of them tipped forward, some falling down on the floor of the ship. Germany nearly lost his footing on the deck as the wave splashed cold ocean water all over the quarterdeck, soaking him, Italy and a few other crewmates. He held on to the steering wheel as tightly as he could. 

"You good?" Italy breathed heavily, grabbing on to his bicep and hauling him back onto his feet. Germany nodded, water dripping down his whole body, clinging on to his clothing. He spun the steering wheel quickly, turning the ship's rudder and steering them towards the calmest side of the storm, which wasn't much different anyway. The hail still rained down on them like bullets, and the waves buffeted them violently. It was a hell of a storm.

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