Friends, Lovers or Brothers

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Requested by : UserExeNotFound

Hi hi hi, so sorry for the wait. I really apologise. I've been trying to do this for so long, school is back and immediately my dumb teachers dump truckloads of work on us(I still love my teachers, but it's a love-hate relationship).

I hope this one is okay, I just feel like it's not how I usually type and make my stories flow, you know, a bit chunky. Maybe cuz I procrastinated it so much, maybe cuz I didn't have much time to do it and I just wanted to send it out? Idk. I should probably try to fix that habit or whatever it is.

And I still don't know what to say about 637 reads. I have never experienced this must attention before is this normal??

anyways hope you all like it  XP

(Have you all seen that video up there? I love it, its precious interaction between the bois, and I just wanted to share it if anyone hasn't seen it before. It's not mine XD )


"Oh hey Russia! What's up Germany?!"

"Hello America." "Guten tag, freund Amerika(1)."

"Did y'all know it's Sibling's Day today?" America asked, titling his shades down to his nose and looking at them up and down.

"...No we did not." "Ohh that's a thing? I didn't know that. Did you Russland?"

"Well you should!! You two are totally #siblinggoals ." He exclaimed, and snatching out his smartphone from his pocket he quickly snapped a picture of Russia and Germany, sharing a scarf together because Germany forgot his(again). Then he quickly ran away, laughing, as the two very unlikely to be siblings stared at his retreating figure strangely. It was fall, it was cold and Russia happened to have picked a long scarf from his collection.

Later in the day the two saw their photo being shared around on every Countryhuman's social media app, all under the tag that America mentioned before. It was really weird.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••(time skip)

"Russia and fratello Germania(2)!! So good to see you two around. Want some gelato for a hot day like this??" Italy shouted happily, waving to them from his ice cream stall. Germany shrugged, and dragged Russia along to the hyper Italian. They began choosing from Italy's wide variety of famous frozen treats.

"Hmm, I guess I'll get a vanilla. What about you, дорогой(3)?" "I guess I'll try the chocolate, then!"

"Ahh, classics!! Perfetto, two gelatos coming right up!" Italy said with no hesitation(he doesn't understand Russian XD), opening his freezer and beginning to scoop the ice cream.

"Here you go! That'll be 8 euros please, grazie(4)!! He handed them two perfect cones, one white and the other brown. Germany happily began licking his cone, while Russia pulled out his wallet and began getting notes out, holding his own ice cream in one hand.

"Mmm Russland this eiscreme(5) is so good!!" Germany said, licking his lips from where the chocolate had stained it a brown tingle. "Oh really? Let me try." And leaning his head down slightly, he licked the ice cream, right where Germany had been licking it. Neither said anything, and Germany went right back to savoring the sweet frozen treat, Russia continued pulling out the money to pay.

"AWww kawaii(6) you two are such best friends! Germania you are so lucky to have such a great relationship with Russki here. You know what fratello Russia it's on the house. It's not everyday I get to see such sweetness. Much better than the gelato I must say so myself!" Italy squealed, it was obvious he was spending way too much time with Japan.

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