Abandoned Hospital

927 28 88

I'm fine with a lot of things, but god, this is gross. I have to find Ger, I don't know where is he, I need to find him. And we have to get out of here. 

More mold, wet- slimy mold. How is this place still standing? Where is he, have I been down this corridor before? I hate this, more than I hate millipedes. Gross, both of them are gross now I'm thinking of both stop it. How is there so much on the walls?

Dark green, almost gray mold and bacteria were sprawled out all over the walls that must have been pristine white at one point in their lives, patches of slimy moss where water dripped and gathered. He couldn't see very well, the entire hallway was dark, there were light bulbs attached to the ceiling but he was pretty sure they haven't been working for years. 

Russia gritted his teeth and kept walking, trying to see the signs attached to the wall by their own rust. He watched his step, peering through the gloom and carefully choose his foot path. When he had woken up in a panic, finding himself alone, in the dark, he'd burst into a sprint, frantic to find some form of life in this dark desolate place, and nearly slipped on a wet patch of mold on the ground. He wasn't keen on repeating that experience.

Where are you, where are you where are you-

A splitting headache cut through his thoughts, making him wince and forcing him to a stop, vision blurring out a bit at the edges from the pain. It wasn't the first time it'd happened since he woke up here. Russia shook his head, blinking rapidly and breathing out hard, allowing himself one second of weakness before taking a step again, staying clear of the moldy, filthy walls surrounding him both sides.

God, how much did I drink. There wasn't much he remembered before coming here, thinking about it made his head hurt worse too. But he wasn't wounded, no blood. He must have been extremely drunk to have passed out, but he was pretty sure he only had a couple...

"Hey liebling." Germany cooed as he walked back to their table, sitting next to him. "Want to go somewhere fun?"

'Oh yeah? Where to?' 

"I know a little place, it's an old building, no one's there, and no one will come looking either~" He giggled with a sharp grin, pressing a finger against his chest and playfully circling over his shirt, drunk over a few shots as well. Blown wide golden eyes flickered up and swept him away, and he instantly felt that at that moment he would have followed him to the ends of the earth if he asked.

Well, that was really dumb. And totally unlike Either of them too. He wasn't sure if it really happened like that now.

There wasn't time for overthinking now. The abandoned hallway was dark, damp, and an ominous chill hung in the air. It wasn't like a winter chill, wasn't like those he was used to. He didn't know what it was, but it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Especially since it seemed to be increasing right now, a wind slowly picking up and stirring through his hair and clothes.

Russia slowly turned his head around, looking behind him, trying not to let the darkness and the dampness of the mold get to him. And then he heard a high pitched, terrified scream.


Requested by: german-thing  

As requested and I quote-  'A chapter of terror'

This was so fun to write >:D

So fun that I wrote with no restrain and here we are with something much longer than expected oops-

Rusger OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora