Bouquets of Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)

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One day I sort of realized that every time I wrote a valentine's day oneshot it was basically about these two being idiots around each other-

You can look back if you want Imma just go on with the trend-

Welcome to the 3rd valentine's day special of this book, which seems so ancient now. Feels like only yesterday I sold my soul to this fandom lmao-

Also I finished writing this early so I thought I would just publish it early :D

This oneshot is a tribute to a book written by a great friend of mine, ssamkura. It is a work of sheer talent and I am telling you this a real deal fanfic that can and will guarantee, make you have the feels.

Picture this you also like RusGer and you are in search of a fic to read on Wattpad, and you stumble across this lovely little fic that doesn't have many reads, but has the most beautiful cover with pink flowers and blue sky, and it's name is Winter's Sleep.

It's a flowershop AU, and you think to yourself Oh what could possibly go wrong, they're usually so fluffy and sweet! WRONG. 

But either way you keep going, entering the first chapter and seeing 13 wonderfully written, long, chapters waiting for you to read them. And the first chapter is innocently sweet and fluffy, you meet Germany who runs the flowershop and the handsome little rascal that is his totally harmless crush.

Will they get together? Will they not, maybe there's an obstacle between them, maybe there's that imminent threat of death hovering over them, it's all for you to find out. 

Did I mention that this is angst? Well this is angst. It's a hanahaki AU disguised as a flowershop AU and it's about to destroy Germany how evil is this. I would say it has a few more sensitive topics and so you should be careful where you tread, the author has also laid down warnings and such in there so make sure to read them before proceeding.

I really love the story myself and if you read it you might see me screaming in the comments but don't mind me. Winter's Sleep is so good and if you like Russia and Germany as well I strongly recommend it, so please go give it a read! It'll be worth it I promise. And the author ssamkura is so nice and amazing, you might just forget she's trying to drain all your emotions and torture Germany.

Without further ado I give you my oneshot and I hope you enjoy reading :3


When they first started dating one of their first few valentine's days-

"I'm home!"

Germany looked up from his laptop and turned his head to the direction of the voice. Russia arranged his boots neatly on the rack before straightening up again, a soft smile on his face as he held out a gorgeously wrapped bouquet of red roses.

"Happy Valentine's Day, моя любовь."

Germany gasped softly and stood up, quickly going over to him to accept the gift. The flowers were fresh, their petals vibrantly coloured. A white satin ribbon tied the pink wrapping paper and the roses all together, there must have been at least a dozen of them.

"Do you like them?" Russia asked with a slight tilt of his head, waiting for his reaction. "I do. I love them." He answered, voice hushed as he continued to admire the blossoms, fingers touching the soft petals. 

Russia's smile instantly brightened, ice blue eyes alight with pride and joy. Germany looked up at his expression and couldn't help standing on his tip-toes, cupping his cheek with one hand to pull him lower and giving him a kiss on the other, holding the flowers close to his chest. "Danke, mein liebster."

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