Bleeding Out

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Requested (A long, long long time ago-) by: galqz1234

(I'm sorry it took so long, I didn't forget about it, I just didn't have any idea or proper motivation to make it as good as I think it deserves to be.)

But it's here now, and I hope all of you will like it!

This is an alternate storyline to Cutting, Angst Week No.6! So it might be nice if you read that one first before reading this, if you don't remember how it started. It's the same until he gets to the cutting part >:D

What if our dear Russia DID cut through some important vessels. 

Warnings: Cutting/self-harm, healthy(Not really) dose of blood, emotional crying mmm, hospital visit, (One) real shitty nurse that I would like to beat up myself, oh did I mention angst- 

(This author is still in the process of learning how to write mental illnesses properly, so I apologize if things aren't accurate, but I'm trying my best :D)


Russia trailed the razor on his left arm, poking at his scars lightly and going up to the crook of his elbow slowly, small tears slipping out of his eyes. He slowly scooted down the wall, crouching on the ground as he started to cry at what he was doing.

One more. Then you can stop...

One more.

He wiped away with the tears with the back of his hand, and lifted the little piece of sharp metal to his skin.

"Babe? Are you in there?"

Russia jolted, and his hand slipped. He yelped in pain as the razor sliced down his inner elbow, much deeper than he would like. He looked down in alarm as blood started to flow hard from the long, deep cut.


He looked up at the door as he heard three soft knocks coming from outside, and saw the shadow of two feet at the bottom of the door. Dropping the razor, he clamped his hand over the crook of his elbow, trying to stop the blood from dripping all over his clothes and the floor.

"I-I-" He stuttered, trying to form a proper sentence while looking on in alarm at his arm. The blood was too much, there was too much blood. The thick red liquid was pouring out uncontrollably, and already seeping out between his fingers and dripping onto the floor.

"Russland are you okay?" He heard a soft voice grow in concern, and a hand rested on the doorknob. Russia panicked as he realized he forgot to lock the door. The wound didn't seem like it was stopping anytime soon, and he was too afraid to lift his bloody hand off it to look.

"G-Ger..." He managed to choke out, tears gathering in his eyes, feeling his chest constrict painfully. He couldn't really tell, but his blood seemed to be pouring out even faster, it felt wrong. It was too warm and it came in pulses, flowing uncontrollably like it had no limits.

"Russ I'm coming in." The doorknob turned, and light from outside poured in slowly.

Germany stepped into the bathroom, looking for his boyfriend. He saw him, sitting on the floor with his arm held out and his other hand red. "Russ what are you doing on the-" It took a moment for the sight in front of him to get processed through his brain.

There was already a puddle of red on the floor under his outstretched arm, and some of it was flowing down his shirt, staining almost half of it. Russia was staring right back at him, panic in his tear filled eyes. He was breathing so fast.

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