Lazy Sunday (Night)

680 17 9

Pretend like nothing happened but this got deleted too but fine I edited it so there's no more above 18 stuff XD


Russia laid sprawled out on the bed, scrolling through Vkontakte and also checking on his plane schedule. He would be leaving in the afternoon, and a private jet would pick him up. Classy.

He definitely felt sad having to leave his boyfriend alone back here, even for just a week. They always hated separating and not being able to be with each other every day. Both of them pretty much had separation anxiety.

But only because without Germany, that means no home cooked food. And without Russia, that means no space heater at night.

Sighing loudly, he sat up from his relaxed position and turned off his phone. He reached out and grabbed a picture frame from the side table by their bed. It was a selfie of him and Germany, grinning for all they were worth on the deck of a very windy yacht ride. His ushanka was tightly pressed on to his head, and Germany had one eye closed from the strong gush of salty sea spray.

It was from one of their rare personal trips together, meaning it was not related to politics or business at all. Just a couple of days to take the weight of being an embodiment of two quite major countries on the planet off their shoulders, and be a normal couple together.

"Heh..." Russia smiled, smoothing a thumb over the glass covering. If you look carefully into the background, you could see the faint outline of a teenage human boy, who had a recorder in his hands for some reason. After the picture was taken, 'My heart will go on' could be heard from behind them, and then laughter.

Brad turned out to be a really nice boy, and his boyfriend, Tony, managed to film the entire thing. They chatted, and after that they did a proper Titanic remake. Then Germany asked Brad to teach him the song, and they switched places. Tony very nearly dropped his boyfriend into the ocean while laughing.

Russia heard the door to their bathroom open, and put the photo back. A towel covered being stepped out and made its way to the bed, flopping down immediately.

"Gott, my head..." It growled softly, and a slim, bare arm snuck out of the confines and grabbed the bottle of water Russia had prepared.

"Are you okay?" He asked, half teasingly but also with some worry. They only drank their usual amount of alcohol, and Germany never acted like this. What if something was wrong, or he got sick while he was away back in his country?

Germany gave him a thumbs up. " 'm fine. Prob'ly just a bad beer day."

Russia laughed at that. They always coined bad hangovers as the day before being a bad drinking day, because the alcohol will go to the 'wrong place in your bloodstream and make everything in the body ten times worse'. But the real reasons were probably because they drank on an empty stomach or just too much dancing and party along with the drinks.

"Go put on some clothes or something first you dumbass-" Russia snickered, relaxing against the headboard of the bed. The hand swiped away part of the towel, revealing a corner of a very much oversized gray shirt that was probably his own, and black booty shorts that did nothing for that ass.

He raised an eyebrow, not bothering to hide a long stare. He heard a small snort from the towel being, and out emerged Germany. "What?" He purred innocently, sipping on the water bottle.

Russia purposefully picked up his phone again, looking away with a blush creeping up his neck. Nope. Not falling for that. He actually wanted to get some decent sleep tonight and not...exercising.

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