'Tis the month of Autumn

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Pray tell, what is this 'seasons' thing you speak of,

*laughs in asian*

only seasons I know are boiling hot humid and monsoon XDXD

Word prompts from creativepromptsforwriting on tumblr as inspiration for this oneshot! : 

full of colors

walks in the forest


falling leaves


pumpkin spice (LATTES)

ruffled hair

black cat

sweater weather (I'll probably make another oneshot on this because I just bAREly mentioned it here XD)

Ye I know you're supposed to do them day by day but I don't have the time and plus I'm just doing this for fun >3

Enjoy!! May the softness succeed in making you feel the happy!!


Russia heard the front door of the house open, and smiled happily, setting down his pen and walking quickly out of the room that served as his temporary study. He heard a soft humming, and jumped the down the last step with a big grin on his face. Germany was standing there, one hand holding a take-away cup of something along with his bag, while trying to pry off his formal work shoes, hopping on one foot.

Letting out a laugh, he went over to help him, taking his bag out of his hands and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hallo-" Germany smiled, his eyes tired from work but still with a glimmer of love when he saw his boyfriend's face.

"You look exhausted, did the meetings with your parliament go well?" Russia hummed softly, slightly worried for him. Germany bumped his forehead briefly against his shoulder affectionately. "I'm fine, just a slightly longer day. You know, with cases going up again."

He nodded in understanding, and took the cup from his hand while he continued to struggle with his shoes. "...is this... pumpkin spice latte?" He asked curiously.

Germany nodded quickly, finally winning his battle with the shoes and tossing them into their shoe cabinet. "Yeah! I got it on my way home." He grabbed the white cup again and took a sip, relishing the sweet, caffeinated drink.

Russia watched him, a plan slowly forming in his mind. "Can I try?" 

"Sure." Germany smiled, and gave him the cup. But Russia only grabbed his outstretched wrist and pulled him closer, meeting him in the middle and kissing him gently. The sweet and spicy taste was actually pretty strong, and he pulled back, licking his lips. He prefered the cocktail versions better than the coffee.

Germany blushed, holding his drink to his chest as Russia grinned down victoriously at him, pulling him into a hug. He felt him kiss his forehead, and sighed contently, relaxing against his firm chest. 

"Do you want to go for a walk? It looks really nice out there, and I think both of us could use a short break." He asked suddenly, and looked up. Russia's blue eyes shone back at him, slightly surprised but excited, full of love and care. 

"Sure, it's a date, Германия~" He grinned, hugging him tighter and getting another blush from him. "Let me go and change first." Germany said, slowly breaking out of their hug. Russia sighed and let him go, taking his bag away from him. 

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