Christmas Eve

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Hi Merry Christmas Eve!!🎄

I hope everyone has a good day with their friends and family and loved ones!! And to those in cold countries stay warm and I hope you enjoy the snow too!

It's been a long year so if I don't write anything else this month, I wanna thank all of you for reading this book and the others I've ever made!! I love you guys so much, from the oldest reader to the newest, you all mean so much to me and I won't be here without you!!❤️❤️

I hope you like reading this one as much as I did writing it XD


"Russ, get up already- it's 10pm." Germany grumbled half-annoyed, trying in vain to shake his boyfriend awake for the umpteenth time this past 10 minutes. Said boyfriend was currently curled up on the couch sound asleep in a so called cat nap that had already lasted 6 hours.

'Hey the sun's setting.' Russia remarked, staring out of the window contently admiring the wintery scenery. Their whole day had already been spent lazing around at home, touching up on last minute Christmas decorations. Still, he promptly yawned and stretched out with his back arching, flopping down on the couch and proceeding to tuck his legs up along.

Germany walked past and did a double take, cheerfully going up to him and lying down between his arms. 'Cuddle?'

'Sure, but only for a 20 minute cat nap.' Russia mumbled, face already half buried against a pillow and eyes closed. Germany simply shrugged and nuzzled up to his chest, enjoying the warmth he was giving up.

Usually he was the lightest sleeper in the world, waking up in the slightest provocation in the night, but during winters it was like trying to wake up a dead man. It was like he'd entered hibernation. Dead to the world. Russia continued to snooze even as he patted his cheek repeatedly, golden eyes narrowing.

"I'll sit on you if you don't get up right now." Germany threatened, standing up to hike one leg over and plopping down cross-legged over him with his arms crossed, staring in half-amazement as Russia's face remained completely at peace despite the full weight of a grown adult on him, not even a single twitch showing any level of consciousness.

"Insomnia my ass, it's like winter cures every ailment you have, schatz." He muttered again with no real malice in his words, sighing dramatically as he rolled off him, landing back in the previous position they were cuddling in earlier. He had to admit to falling asleep past the 20 minutes too, but at least he woke up an hour ago.

Germany sighed once more and leant against his chest, hearing the solid 'thump-thump-thump' of his heart, not quite so dead as he seemed. He was tempted to adjust Russia's arm to wrap around him, like it was previously. Although he was pretty sure he couldn't sleep anymore. He ran a hand through snow white hair, brushing the stray locks away from his forehead.

Still, Russia didn't stir. Not in the slightest. Germany was starting to get cranky at this point.

"Ru, I'm starving. Get the hell up or so help me-" He growled, alternating between shaking him by the shoulders hard and stabbing his finger into his cheek. It was like touching a ragdoll, not a single change of reaction. Russia's head lolled over the pillow bonelessly, lips slightly parted and eyes very much still closed.

Germany stared down at him furiously, hands on his hips and contemplating other more violent methods. Once a few years ago he'd brought a lamp over and flicked it on straight in his face, that was very effective. Only downside was he got the silent treatment for the entire Christmas party they were supposed to attend the next day, and the following day, pretty much until New Year's Day.

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