Handmade Gifts (Valentine's Day Special)

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Welcome to the 4th valentine's day oneshot of this book how would you like your romance *seasoned barista working the night shift*

*Still trips and falls on my face and procrastinates writing this till the last minute*

For this valentine's I've granted them both a gift too, a braincell each :D

Breaking tradition of them being complete idiots over each other nooo-

They're still a little silly ofc a little hehehoho if you will, a little head empty no thoughts.

Small warning: Talking about hunting and indirectly, animal death, so if you don't like that I'm sorry! Good news is there are 3 other valentine's day shots you can choose to read!

Votes and comments are always appreciated! I hope you enjoy reading!!


Germany stirred awake to an empty bed, groggily palming the cold mattress with a groan. "Russia..."

"Yes?" A familiar voice replied back almost immediately, making him sigh again, tightening his grip around the blanket bunched up around his shoulders. It was the beginning of January, still dark outside, and Russia must've turned off the heater already, that immune son of a bitch. "Come back...'m freezing."

"You know I can't do that, моя любовь. I have to head to the airport in an hour." His boyfriend said, sounding closer, and he felt a warm hand caressing his cheek. Germany reached up and snatched his wrist, cracking one eye open.

"You're already dressed. Your bags are packed. You can afford a few minutes to cuddle with your boyfriend before you leave him for a whole month." He grumbled sleepily, tugging harder until he heard an exasperated huff, a smug grin spreading over his face as the mattress dipped and Russia sat down besides him, allowing him to take the opportunity and scoot over to lay his head on his lap.

Two ice blue irises stared down at him as he finally opened his eyes fully, his smile softening as he took them in. "Good morning." Russia murmured gently, stroking his cheek again, the corner of his mouth quirked upward, white hair tussled and simply styled.

Germany leant into his touch gratefully, eyes landing on his sleeve, dark brown worn leather on the outside, soft breathable cotton against his skin, his hunting jacket. He glanced up again, taking in the shape of those lips he'd memorized over and over again. "Are you excited for your trip?"

"Yeah." Russia replied with a smile, brushing messy strands of black hair out of his eyes and away from his face. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"

"No promises. I want to see pictures." He muttered, snuggling into the blanket cocoon he'd wrapped himself in and cuddling closer into Russia's lap. "We're not going to have internet in the middle of the forest, you know."

"Send them once you get back to civilization." Germany whined, making him laugh, lifting his hand away briefly to press his fingertips to his lips, then touching them back onto his cheek.

"Finland says we'll go for big game this round. It'll be more challenging. We'll go deeper into the forest, so don't get upset if I don't text you for the majority of the trip." Russia said softly, as an act of consolation, stroking his black hair until it was silky smooth. Germany pouted, tilting his head to the side.

"I'll miss you." He mumbled, feeling his hand brush down the column of his neck. "I'll text the minute I land in Oslo. You can call me tonight if you'd like, since we'll be staying at the hotel for today."

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