Tell me a Love Story

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Creative title? An attempt was made :D A title that tries to embody the two themes I wrote about in this oneshot? Yes-

Welcome to the 2023 era of this book XD 

I hope you all have had a nice beginning of the year!!

For those that are starting school again I wish you good luck and study hard! You got this easily in the bag I believe in you :3

Okay I hope you enjoy reading this!


"Tell me a story, Papa."

Nazi Germany smiled and sat down on his bedside, reaching out to tuck his blanket snuggly around him, slender fingers brushing against his neck.

"Once upon a time, there was a wolf. And a Fox. And they lived together, though the Wolf was a bully, because he was stronger. He made the fox do all his chores, and the fox had no choice, because he couldn't stand up to the big wolf."

Hans stared up at his father with his fingers curled around the edge of his blanket, watching crimson red eyes flicker left and right, softening every time they landed back on him. "One day, the wolf ordered the fox to go catch something to eat. And the fox brought back a lamb. The wolf ate, but he wasn't satisfied, so he went to catch another. But, the farmer caught him, and beat him."

His father's stories weren't always as clear whenever they weren't reading from a book, but it was okay, all he wanted was to listen to his voice. Hans snuggled into his sheets and pressed his cheek into his father's hand, prompting him to smile faintly and slide his thumb up and down his cheekbone gently.

"The next day, the wolf ordered the fox to go steal more food again. The fox wanted to be rid of the wolf so badly, for he treated him horribly, and threatened him." Nazi continued, voice soft, eyes straying. "He knew of a house in the village, and stole some of the wife's pancakes to bring back to the wolf. The gluttonous wolf ate them all at once and went back to the village for more, but the wife had noticed him, and sent him back with another beating."

There was a hint of satisfaction in his voice as he said it, and Hans found himself smiling too, meeting his father's red eyes with a little giggle as he leant down and tickled his nose, kissing his forehead. His larger body scooted closer, and Hans made space for him to lie down too. Sometimes, his father would end up sleeping with him on his bed instead of leaving after the bedtime story, he hoped tonight would be one of those special nights.

A finger resumed stroking his cheek again, and Hans curled up on his side to face his father, grinning broadly when their faces where a few inches apart. Nazi smiled back at him, half of his own cheek pressed against his 8-year-old son's pillow. So young and innocent.

"For the third time, the wolf asked the fox to go get food again. The fox knew of a farmer's cellar full of meat, and brought the wolf there." He murmured, continuing the story. "The wolf immediately gobbled up the meat, and while the fox also ate, he made sure to keep checking their escape, running in and out of the hole through the cellar. His constant scurrying caught the attention of the farmer, who found the wolf, too fat now to escape, and killed him, while the fox ran free."

Hans blinked at his father and gently reached one small hand over to pat his father's cheek as well, feeling him laugh softly at his attempt. A larger hand, more calloused and experienced curled around his wrist, holding him there.

"Think it's time for you to go to sleep?" Nazi Germany asked quietly, crimson irises glimmering in the dark of his room. "Nu-uh, I'm not tired yet." Hans shook his head, hair ruffling messily over his pillow and making the strands all tangle up.

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