I Will Follow You

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Her phone rings as she's in the bathroom hiding and when she picks it up and sees his name; she all but jumps at the chance. She hadn't seen him since the rehearsal dinner two days ago and she misses him terribly.



"I know we're in the same house but different rooms and there's rules but I figured I wasn't breaking any by calling."

"I don't think you are." She sits on the edge of the tub and crosses her legs in front of her, keeping her eyes on her feet.

"How are you? Something told me to call."

"Husband instincts?"

"Samaria instincts I'd say. They're not husband instincts...yet."

"Two hours and they will be."

"I can't wait."

"Me either."

"You know...it's normal for you to feel what you're feeling right now."

"Is it?"

"Yes. It's a big day and some people aren't here like they should be. It's bittersweet."

"It feels like I'm taking something away from the day. I'm excited...we've worked hard to get here. I just can't help it."

"I know. I know you're excited but you're not taking anything from anyone by feeling a little sad that your parents aren't here, darling."

"I've been hiding...I'm sure the girls are mad."

"They're not. They're your best friends, they understand too."

"I want them here...I want you here."

"I know. I want you here too. I miss you so much."

"A few hours and then I'm all your's."

"You look beautiful." She laughs.

"You haven't even seen me yet."

"I just know it. You're always beautiful...even when you have the crust in your eyes and the bed hair." She laugh harder.

"Even with the crust?"

"Even with the crust."

"You ever think that means you're too in love with me?"

"Nah. It's a healthy middle, I'd say." She smiles even though he can't see it. "I'll see you soon?"

"Of course. Somewhere in the wedding party; you just have to guess what I'll have on."

"My favorite game. I love you."

"I love you too." They hang up and she takes a deep breath as someone knocks on the door. She gets up to open it and Emma is there with a plastic bag.

"I got a few of them so you'll know for sure." Everyone is looking at her from behind Emma and she nods.

"Thank you."


"You look like you're about to shit bricks." Sarah smirks at him. She's all dolled up in her emerald green bridesmaids dress.



"I don't know."

"There's nothing to be worried about. You made it here, you're marrying the love of your life, everything will be fine. Here," she hands him the box with Sam's gift in it and he puts it in his pocket. "Looked it over. It's perfect. They did everything right."

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