All of Me

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It started at a wedding.

He had been trying to sort of escape all the people and find a quick few moments to himself. Walking down the long hall of the reception hall and what not before just choosing a door and going in. And rather than finding an empty room he sees a woman.

A beautiful woman with redish orange hair and dark skin that looked bronze under the single light on in the room. She looks sad and angry all in the same breath and she takes continuous swigs from the glass of whiskey she pours herself. She's got on a beautiful white gown he recognizes as the bridesmaids and he finds himself staring at her. She hadn't even looked up when he came in.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't realized someone was in here. My mistake." She turns her head towards him and unleashes some of the most intriguing light brown eyes he's ever seen. She only glances at him then back down to the table.

"It doesn't what you want." Her voice reminds him of silk and power. That's the only way that could describe a voice like that. A beautiful woman that has power.

He nods, taking his pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and tapping it against his hand.

"You got enough of those to share? It's been weeks."

"Sure, of course." He goes to hand her one and light it up for her. He backs away and lights one for himself. He stares at her for a little while longer before speaking up.

"Is everything alright?"

"Sure...lets go with that."

"Can't be too bad can it?" Something in him really wants to talk to her.

"I'm at my best friend's wedding as a bridesmaid...I'm fucking thirty-two years old. I'm too old to be a bridesmaid. Never once been considered a bride. The shit gets old. You know I've been to three weddings in a month?" He shook his head and she sighs. "I'm just tired of being in this place in my life. It's not fair." He slowly moved to the other side of the table and sits down.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't have any one here with me. My girlfriend left me for one of my good friends." He couldn't believe it when he read the note. Two years down the drain.


"Well shit that's not right. My last girlfriend hated that I was at work so much so to get back at me she slept with the man that use to be my boss. What does he do?"

"He's a stock broker."

"Stock brokers are boring and they're all ugly. She'll get what she deserves. Here, you need a drink too." She moves the whiskey bottle towards him and he laughs before taking a swig.

When he opens his eyes he finds that she's staring at him. Assessing him more like, and something about it makes him a little uneasy. She takes a puff of her cigarette and leans back in her chair a little.

"You know John or Alaina?"

"John. He's a friend from work and he helped me out a lot so I accepted the invite."

"He's a good man. I'm glad she has him. I should be out there fulfilling duties but I can't find it in me to smile right now."

"Me either...maybe I can keep you company."

"I'm not good company. Why do you think I'm single?"

"Anyone is good company if you dig deep enough." She bites her lip.

And this is the last thing they talked about before rather unceremoniously; he had the extreme honor of making love to her. Maybe it was some kind of reprieve to the week he's had. Or maybe it was because for once he found himself in a situation where he could let himself go...whether it was a minute or two didn't matter. And he did enjoy her company.

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