Falling Higher

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AN: Hiiiiiiiii. This is more of a filler chapter because I wanted to make sure some things were said and shown but next one will be better. Promise!


Is there so much going on in her head that she can't can't even be distracted by sex anymore?

He's been down between her legs for a good amount of time and all she can think about is New York and her nerves about leaving LA for a while and the impending doom of know her...sperm donor is close by and well, her orgasm is fading away slowly before her eyes.


"Hm?" He murmured into her core and she sighs. She might have enjoyed that if she wasn't so stuck in her head.

"It's gone." He comes up from beneath the covers and looks up at her.

"What's wrong? You've been in your head a lot lately."

"I'm sorry it's just...there's a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"New York, work, sperm donor...all of it?"

"Sperm donor?"

"The bastard."

"Ah. You want to talk about it? One at a time."

"You're not nervous? Living in New York?"

"Not particularly, it's something I've wanted to do for a while."

"I know...which is great."

"But you're nervous about what will happen if you leave for that long..." she sighs and he sits his chin on her stomach. "You'll be great. It's only a couple of hours away and you've got Marlo so the work load is shared. Ravyn makes friends wherever she goes. Three months isn't terribly long, sweetheart."


"No. We'll be back before you know it. Besides, I'm sure there's plenty of clients in New York. And other creative adventures. You've been wanting to take your art back up so why don't you use the time?Hm? There's a lot that can be done in New York. And I know you're nervous, but it will be fine. I promise. Why are you nervous about New York anyway, hm? That's not for another couple of weeks."

"Just thinking about it...it's a big change is all."

"It is. But I have no doubt in my mind we won't be fine. Work will be fine too. You've got a COO for God's sake. You trust Marlo with your life, she's gonna be great."

"I don't doubt Marlo at all. I know she can do it."

"Then let her. No one has seen your...sperm donor for a little while now. Maybe he's actually paying attention to the restraining order."

"I don't believe he is. He's waiting for the right time."

"Stop working yourself up with no evidence. We take things one day at a time." He kisses her skin.

"You're right."

"I know." She rolls her eyes. They sit there for a while, his fingers tracing patterns into her stomach. "Do you want a distraction?"

"A distraction?"

"Yeah. Something to take your mind from everything bothering you."

"You think there's something that could do that?" She knows what's going on, but she likes the game.

"A few things..."

"Like what?"

"A book." She laughs.

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