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Something about having Sam meet his parents in person is unsettling.

He doesn't know why; there's no real reason the nerves are there. But they are and he can barely stand it. Like his whole body is on fire and he can't think. But it's very important to Sam that they go to London. It's important to him too but it feels a little scary.

Even more so since his mother has informed him that his father is joining them for brunch.

"You think we're crazy for taking a six month old on a ten hour flight?" She asks as they walk through the airport. She's got the baby in a carrier wrapped around her, her seat, and the diaper bag. He's got their bags.

"People do it all the time. Maybe it won't be that bad..." they make it to their terminal gate and then down to the plane.

It only takes them a few minutes to get settled in and surprisingly Ravyn is calm when they put her in the seat for take off. Sam plays with her a little to distract her as he orders a drink. He usually doesn't drink this early but he feels like he needs it.

"Mommy's gonna put these in your ears so it doesn't hurt you when we take off." She grabs some small earplugs and puts them in her ears. She fusses a little and she rubs her fingers slightly as the plane starts to move. Then she leans down to kiss her little knuckles and rub her cheek.

They make it through alright in the end.

"Bringing your big mouthed girlfriend to meet your parents can't be too bad. Though I don't have much to compare it to." He breaks out of his thoughts and looks to see her smiling at him.

"You're not big mouthed. Besides,I'm not worried about that. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"You don't look sure. Is this about your dad?"

"Samaria me and my father haven't gotten along way before me and you. His grudge will not be deterred by the love of my life."

"Your life, huh? You better stay quiet because if Ravyn hears she's going to go batty." He smirks and kisses the corner of her mouth.

"She's the love of my life too. Just in a different way. I can't wait for my mum to meet her. She's going to love her even more."

"I feel bad that we waited so long to go see them."

"She was still new and we had all those other things to worry about. It's fine." She reaches up and brushes her fingers against his scruff.

"Whatever is bothering you, I hope you settle it somehow if you're not going to tell me."

"It's nothing. I promise."


"I'm sorry if it's a bit messy in here;haven't been here since right before the vacation." He puts the carrier down and starts to clean up some of the things on the table. He moves a old bowl to the kitchen and in the sink. He glances at the fridge and takes off the pictures of him and Amy;placing them in the drawer before Sam can see.

"My mum texted me and said she'd like us to come over for dinner." He comes back to the foyer.

"Dinner? I thought we were meeting her for brunch tomorrow?"

"We are. She's too excited and wants to meet you two tonight." Sam bites her lip.

"I need a night to prepare." He smirks.

"Sam you don't prepare to meet someone's parents you just do. Besides; you've talked to her a bunch of times."

"On a video call! Not in person. I've never met your sisters and they're going to be there too. This is scary."

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