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-2 days later-


"Hurt." Ravyn wines and he rubs her fingers.

"I know sweets, we just have to wait until the nurse comes back. Just stay still."

"No daddy."

Ravyn, waking up every now and then, is a different situation every time.

Her sense of time is messed up from the coma, she likes to move and can't so the idea of that alone upsets her, and when she's not in pain she's irritable because she's still not better. So the hours become spread out weird in a big ball of emotion that both stresses everyone involved and upsets them. It's not a good situation.

"Ravyn." He sighs and she starts to cry a little.

"Alright I have an idea. I just need everyone to work with me." Samaria stands, moving the blankets from Ravyn's legs. "Tom go to the other side of her and make sure I don't budge the IV." He's a little confused but he does what she says.

She slowly slides her hands underneath Ravyn's back and her legs, carefully scooping her up into her arms.

"Come here bub."

"Sam I don't think we're supposed to do that."

"The nurse is away, and she's going to lose her mind even more if she has to sit on this bed any longer. I'm going to hold her until everyone gets back." She sits on the bed. "Can you grab that pillow and put it on my arm? I don't want to press hard on the incision."

He grabs one of the small pillows and lays it in the crook of her arm; watching as she adjusts her so she can lay down. Sam rocks a little and  smiles down at her.

"Alright, calm down...we got this. I know it hurts but you gotta be still and trust us. It's going to be okay."

"Mommy no..." She squirms a little.

"Ravyn yes. I know you can do it. For me?" She continues to rock and though he knows Ravyn doesn't want to; she's slowly but surely calms down. Sam runs over her features with her fingertips; brushing them against her eyebrows and down her nose before rubbing her cheeks. Clearing the tears.

He watches as they sort of stare at one another. Ravyn sniffles and wheezes a little as Samaria continues rocking. Her small hand reaches slowly to place itself at the center of Sam's chest and she blinks slowly.

"There we go. You just want to be out of bed. I understand that. I promise as soon as you're out of here and home we'll go outside and we'll swim and you, me, and daddy will go to the park and everything. I promise. I just need you to get better first. Can you do that for me?" She nods slowly and Sam kisses her nose.

The door opens and the nurse comes in with Dr.Sans.

"Good morning everyone. Rough day today, huh?"

"Yeah. She told her dad no...she never does that. Must be really feeling bad." She kisses her head.

"Well, we're gonna start fixing that soon. Let's have a look..." Sam gets up and he helps her lay Ravyn back down. They step out of the way. "Alright Ravyn, lets see how everything's going."

He takes off his stethoscope and listens to her chest and things before checking her tonsils and then her ears. Her eyes are next.

"Everything seems to be stable for the moment. That's great. Ravyn can you touch my pen with this hand?" She looks to him.

"You can do it." He encourages and she pinched her eyebrows together before slowly reaching up to touching Dr.Sans pen.

"Good. How about if it were over here?" He moves it close to the other side and she reaches but doesn't quite make it there.

"You still got pretty far. That's good. Let's take a look at the sore part." Her eyes widen and he rushes over to hold her hand.

"It's okay. I'm right here." They sit her up and she leans against him as Dr.Sans undresses the gauze and what not. He gets a first hand look of everything up close and personal.

There's bruising around the cut itself and it's dark purple and blue. The stitches are neat but incredibly painful looking and she's been bleeding a significant amount as well. They take off the soiled bandage and put ointment on before dressing it again.

"Your wound is doing pretty good. There's no infection so that's good as well. Looks like everything is on track Ravyn."

"See? Everything is going to be okay." He kisses her hair and gently rubs the other side of her back. The nurse administers her medicine through the IV before gathering things to replace her bandage.

"Mom and dad, can I talk to you out in the hallway for a moment?"

"Sure." He helps Ravyn lean back again.

"We'll be right back. Promise." She looks a little scared so he kisses her cheek. "Promise. I'll read when I get back." She gives him a small smile before he gets up.

They take off the caps and things before following Dr.Sans out.

"I believe I've found the medicine that will work well with her pain meds. I have to warn you that they'll most likely put her to sleep as well so she won't wake up for a while."

"As long as it helps...we'll take it step by step."

"Good. Her wound is healing properly and I'm thinking soon we can try a little physical therapy to help alleviate some of the stiff feeling and get everything working a little smoother. I do think she should stay here with us for another week or so, maybe longer until she heals a little more. Then hopefully, you can take her home and she can heal all the way with a few follow up appointments. Then she can be a baby again. Regular things."

"Whatever it takes." He speaks up and Sam agrees.

"Thank you."

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