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"I have a surprise." He speaks up once they get to his house.

"A surprise?" She picks the baby up from her carrier and cradled her on her shoulder.

"Yeah. Come on." He grabs her hands and leads her up the stairs and to the second door close to his room. He opens it, turning on the light and ushering her inside.

"Oh my God." He took the liberty of changing some things around the past few weeks. It had been his office but he decided he could just move his desk and paintings downstairs to the big space of the living room.

Then he went completely mad when he started decorating his daughter's bedroom. Everything is white and cream. The crib is right under a pretty mirror and there's a changing table on the wall opposite of the crib. He's bought a bunch of toys and stuffed animals as well.

"I wanted her to have a room while you're staying here. I put the rocking chair close to the window because I know you like to look outside when you're breastfeeding. And the couch is just in case we have to sit here with her until she goes to sleep or God forbid she's sick. And I bought her a bunch of clothes too..." She looks around them; touching different things.

"This is amazing...and look at all the stuff." She giggles.

"I went a little overboard."

"You did amazing. This is so cute. Look at all the stuff daddy bought you." She cooes and cradles the baby so she's looking at everything.

"You think she likes it?"

"Of course. It's beautiful. She's never slept in a crib so I wonder how it will go..."

"Hopefully really good."

"Yeah. This is really sweet, Tom. Letting us stay here and decorating this room..."

"It's nothing."

"It is. Thank you." She smiles at him.

"You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Okay...but you're welcome to come and lay down if it gets too harsh."




They're on their way to the store when someone calls Samaria's name. They all turn and he sees a man jogging toward them from a nearby building.

He's tall, incredibly muscular and really handsome. And when he gets to where they are, by the way he's staring at Sam; he's very interested.

"Derrick? Long time no see."

"Yeah well, that shouldn't happen when it's just a floor difference."

"Ah not anymore, I've got a house."

"A house? You're moving up and away from us regular people,huh?"

"Well, you know." They both laugh.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good. Just being a mom and all."

"Of course! Is this her?" She flips the blanket up a little and reveals a sleeping Ravyn. "Oh she's beautiful Samaria. She looks just like you."

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