Say You Won't Let Go

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She wakes up to a phone ringing. She knows it's not hers because of the ringtone so it has to be his.

He usually doesn't sleep this heavy so he must have been tired. She moves across the bed and grabs it from the table, staring at the number. She doesn't recognize it but she answers anyway.


"I thought you might answer." An unmistakable light voice speaks.


"Tom's been blocking my calls but something told me that you two coming to London meant you'd be even more attached at the hip than you usually are."

"You know we're in London?" She gets up, grabbing a shirt and going to the bathroom.

"I know a lot of things, Samaria. Stick around and you might learn some things."

"So you know we're in London. What did you call for?" She gets up and grabs her underwear; sliding them on.

"I wanted to talk to you. See what the bitch who stole my man thinks about my news."


"Yeah. I'm pregnant." She stops.


"Yeah. Me and Prince charming are going to have a baby. Isn't that something?" It feels like she can barely breathe.

"How far along are you?"

"That's my business. Just wanted him to know. You can pass that on or I can. I'll figure out a way. But I did want to talk to you. Me and you should meet."


"Yes. Somewhere out of town so we don't have to worry about paps. There's this place called Brick Lane Beigel Bake. I'll meet you there in about an hour." She hangs up.

Her heart is beating fast. It feels like she's going to pass out so she sits down on the floor after putting a t-shirt on. She gets into fetal position with her head between her knees and breathes through it.

It feels like she could curl up and die right then and there but she can't. She needs to know.

So she pushes through it and stands, putting on a bra and getting a real shirt on. She puts on some pants and shoes; grabbing her own phone and calling a cab. She goes into the closet to grab a random jacket before opening the door and running downstairs. She practically sprints to the door; grabbing her purse from the end table before leaving.

She asked the cab to meet her down the street and she runs until she sees one close to the curb. When she gets in she has to catch her breath for a minute before speaking up.

"Brick Lane Beigel Bake."


Tom has called her non-stop since she left his place about fourty five minutes ago. She puts her phone on silent and orders herself a coffee and a bagel that She picks at. She sits in the back of the place where she can't be seen but she can see others. It's another few minutes before Amy shows her face.

She waits patiently for her to spot her before she comes and sits across from her. They stare at one another for a while before Amy speaks up.

"Samaria Jones...head of a famous talent management company, loved by all, rich as hell with everything going for her."

"Why did you want to talk face to face?"

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