Autumn Leaves

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-6 months later-


"Ms.Jones you have a call on line 1. Luke." Grace, her second assistant calls through the intercom. She puts down her pen and picks up the phone.


"Ms.Jones I received a call from someone by the name of Alex Summons. He wants Tom but I guess he couldn't get in touch with you. He's been calling non-stop and he even sent someone to the set. I also heard through the mill that he's starting to start some nasty rumors to the press."

"About Tom or the company?"

"Both. This and that. Depends. What do you want me to do?"

"Send me the location of the set and can you make sure I have access to it? Does he have any interviews tomorrow?"

"No. Just filming."

"Alright. I'm taking a plane wherever you are tonight, and I'll bring extra security with me. Don't answer anymore calls from him; block the number. We'll figure things out when I get there."

"Alright." He sounded nervous.

"Everything will be fine Luke, we'll figure it out." He takes a breath.

"Thank you." They hang up and she phones in to the lawyers.

"I need you to draw up a restraining order. Alex Summons is bothering a client and he's bordering stalker. I need it by tonight for Thomas Hiddleston."

"We can have it in an hour."

"Thank you." She hung up to finish writing the last of her proposal and some other paperwork before calling Marlo.


"I need you to find me a ticket to..." She reads the text. Switzerland. She's going to Switzerland? "Switzerland. Round trip. Have you got anything going on for the next two days?"

"Not at all Ma'am."

"Good. I need you to call Johnny and Hector and tell them we need them as well so four tickets to Switzerland, put them on my card. Also I need you to cancel the rest of my meetings today because I'm going to go home early to pack. After you get the tickets printed I need you to go to the law office and grab the draft for the restraining order I called for. Then go home and pack."


"Can I ask what this sudden trip to Switzerland is about?"

"There's a bit of a situation with Alex Summons," she starts as they walk to their designated gate. "He's sneaking around in places he shouldn't be. Luke is young, he's only been doing this job for a little while and Alex is being way too forceful. Stalking people so you can try to get them to come to your company is psychotic."

"So you're going to get a restraining order?"

"Its just a draft for right now. I'm going to threaten him and whatever little follower he has with him. No one likes law suits so hopefully it'll work."

Alex Summons had been particularly annoying for her ever since she started this business. Often times he would try to persuade in the middle of meetings and negotiations. This was the first time he had become a little weird though.

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