Bad Habit

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"So Samaria Jones from Germany, how long have you been in the showbiz industry?"

She had found time, rather surprisingly, for Derrick. She actually called him and he took her out for dinner. Some spot in the middle of the city that actually seemed pretty cool now that she thought about it. Rooftop dining with small two person tables that were only a few inches away from one another.

Very intimate but very nice. She could see practically the entire city from their place.

"Since I was about twenty-two. Straight out of school I knew what I wanted to do."

"And you just automatically started your own company?"

"No. I worked in and out of the magazine's and newspapers and diners to save some money to add to a small little inheritance. Then I read a few books, invested a little in the stock market and turned some money into more. Then I found my space and I've been there ever since."

"You said you wanted to expand. Another location."

"Mostly just a bigger building that's my own. A tower where I own only two floors isn't good enough." He raised his eyebrows.

"You've got ambition. I like that in a girl." She smirked.

"Girls play...i don't. You want a girl or a woman?" He smirked.

"You're right. I do want a woman...a woman who knows she'll probably need a man to help tame some of that fire." She gave a fake smile before taking a gulp of her wine.

I'm so tired of men trying to tame me. I don't need taming. I don't even need a man. I just want people to leave me alone.

"So what about you? What do you do?"

"I'm an investment analyzer for several bug companies. I'm the one who monitors other companies data and sales and does background checks for people who are thinking about buying into things."

"That sounds really fun. So you're like a major league private investigator that also happens to deal with finances?"

"Pretty much. Not as fun as a talent manager but I do my best."

"What companies have you worked for?" It's always the same with dates. Tell them what work she does, ask what kind of work they do and so on.

She wants excitement...not a man that asks so much questions if ruins the mood and the fun.

"I think that's all of them. It's what I've always wanted to do, be sensible and practical and make enough money that I'm comfortable. That's it. I want..."

Sometimes it feels like her ears might bleed because men talk a lot about wanting this and needing that. It's easy for them to do and a world that caters to it just makes like that more willing to give them things.

"Is there anywhere that you want to travel? Like maybe an exotic place you've never been to?" She changes the subject in hopes she might stop getting stuck in her own head.

"An exotic place? You like exotic places?"

"Yeah. I travel a lot for work but there's places I haven't been before. Don't you want to travel more?"

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