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He calls her as soon as he touches down.


"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm doing good, how are you?" She sounds preoccupied. He hears papers shuffling a little.

"I'm good. Listen, I'm in L.A. and I'd really like to see you. To see you both. Do you mind if I come over tonight?" She gets quiet and he wonders if he's overstepped since they haven't talked in two months.

"Sure. That would be nice. I'll send you the address."

"Okay." It gets quiet for the moment before he speaks again. "It's really nice to hear your voice, Sam."

"Your's too."


Her new house is actually sort of far away from the city.

It's removed, quiet, and more suburban than he could have imagined. Huge and beautiful though very much secluded at the end of the complex.

He walks up the long pathway to the door and knocks. He stands there for a few moments and waits before he hears the lock turn. When it opens Sam comes into view with Ravyn in her arms. They both stare at him before Samaria speaks up.



"Come in." He steps in but he doesn't take his eyes off of them. They're both so beautiful. Like his brain and memories didn't do either of them justice.

Ravyn is longer and her face is a little more even. Her cheeks are still chubby as ever and her dark eyes still shine from under her long eyelashes. Sam has different colored hair again and instead of dark hair she has orange; similar to the color she had the night they first met. She looks still dolled up from work.

"We must look good Ravyn because daddy keeps staring." She speaks up and he smiles.

"You both look so beautiful it caught me off guard."

"She's prettier." Ravyn reaches out for him and he grabs her up; hugging her to him.

"Hi pretty baby. Look how big you've gotten? I missed you." He kisses at her face and she giggles;reaching up to squeeze his nose a little. He kisses her hand.

"Dada..." his eyes widen as he looks to the baby. She's a bit oblivious that she's said it but he can't believe it. Samaria giggles.

"She talks a little now. I tried telling you but I figured it was a little busy for you."

"You're so smart! Five months old and you're talking! A genuis!" Ravyn laughs and he kisses her cheek.

"She missed you. After she figured it out she wouldn't stop shouting it. I had to show her a picture of you just to get her to bed."

"Aw love, I missed you too." She lays on his chest and he keeps her encased in both arms practically.

"I made dinner. I didn't know what to really make so I just stuck with spaghetti and garlic bread."

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