Something Big

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She sits at her desk staring at the picture in her hands.

It's very small. But also big in a way compared to what she might have thought it would look. Either way it's very scary and she's freaking out. But the thing that takes her off guard is that she's not scared of the baby but rather scared of how it all might go down. Is she healthy enough for this? Can her body take it?

"Marlo can you come in here please?"

"Of course." A few moments later Marlo pops in the room and she meets her at the door.

"I need to speak to you about something very...sensitive." She shuts her door and locks it. Marlo looks surprised before she recovers.

She knows Marlo has a sister that she took care of when she was pregnant. That's the only person she knows that has some knowledge about it all.

"I...well I'm-how did you...? Give me a moment while I try to figure out what to say. Sit...sit." She rushes through her sentence before pinching the bridge of her nose.

She hears heels click against the floor and shuffling before it stops. She opens her eyes to see Marlo sat at the meeting table. She goes to sit by her.

"When your sister was did the first couple of weeks go?" It's viable. It's a good starter question.

"Well she had a lot of morning sickness and nausea. Sometimes her nipples hurt...more like things are preparing before it gets worse."

"Right. And did she take something to help her out? Like a vitamin or something?"

"A few of them...Ms.Jones what is all of this about?"

"The other night I found out that I'm pregnant. I don't have anyone that's been through this before or at least helped. I know you took care of your sister and I wanted to know." Her eyes are wide.

"Are you serious Ms.Jones?"

"Yes." She smiles and then giggles a little and she can't help but to smile along with her.

"How far along did the doctor say you were?"

"Only about eight weeks. New."

"Wow. Well are you going to Um, keep the baby?"

"Yes." She answers at once. She hadn't really known but she guesses she just made the decision.

"Wow okay. Well are you going to tell Mr.Hiddleston?" She speaks lowly to her and she raises her eyebrows.

"How did you..."

"I heard his voice that night we were in the hotel. Through the phone. Not on purpose, it's just my hearing aid picked things up. I haven't told...I won't tell..."

"Thank you. Well...I'm not sure. Our falling out a few weeks back tells me something. I don't think I want to. Maybe just do this on my own. I hadn't realized that I wanted a kid until well...last night."

"Well, I'm here if you need me. Always. Now, you need prenatal vitamins. A good brand that works well with your body. Everyone's pregnancy is different so different meds work. We can make a list or I could take you out to the store on lunch break. Help you figure out things?"

"Sure. That would be really nice. Thank you Marlo."

"I'm happy to help."


"You okay? You've been in your head all night." She looks up at Derrick from her place between his legs.

They're watching a movie at her house and pigging out. She's been super hungry and eaten almost everything in sight. The cool thing about him is he likes to eat too so there no problem when she orders a large pizza and they go to town.

"I'm fine. Feels like this is the first time I get to relax. But another part could be how you picked this boring movie to watch."

"Oh, so now Transformers is boring?"

"It is when you want to see shooter movies. I've seen this a thousand times."

"What do you want to watch then?" He moves and maneuvers so he's sat right next to her. She wants to cuddle really bad and that's very unlike her. She refrains.

"I don't know. Maybe something with superheroes...oh! Why not suicide squad. Have you seen that?" He smiles big at her. "What?"

"Nothing. You just look really cute when you get excited." She smiles big.

"That's sweet." He looks back to the TV.

"Suicide sq-" she cuts him off with a kiss. His lips are soft and sweet and she likes the way his facial hair tickles her cheek a little.

However, she feels her stomach grumble a bit and she pulls away from him.

"Excuse me." She gets up and runs to the bathroom next to the kitchen. Closing the door and throwing up.

It's just as awful as the first few times shes done it. She knows it's part of the package but goodness it's so disgusting.

"Samaria?" Derrick calls before she hears the door opening.

"Don't come in here. I'll be out soon." She chokes out.

"Maybe that pizza wasn't a good idea." Out of the corner of her eye she sees him kneel beside her. Of course she's confused but she can't think about it long before she's getting sick again.

He pulls her hair from her face and holds it for her. She can't pull her face from the toilet just yet but she feels him rub her back. She's a little taken off guard by this but nevertheless she just tries to get herself together.

About twenty minutes later after throwing up all the food she ate as well as dry heaving for a few; she's able to sit back and take a breath.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." He helps her stand and keeps a hold of her as she washes her mouth out and wipes her face. Then he helps her to the kitchen and sets her down on a stool.

He goes to her fridge and gets her some seltzer water to drink.

"Go on." She chugs it down immediately; taking breaths between big swigs. When she finishes she takes a deep breath; keeping her eyes from him.

"Derrick there's something I have to tell you."


"I'm...pregnant." he stares at her confused.

"We haven't..."

"I know. It's not your's. When we first started seeing each other i was in a...commitment to someone. We were for lack of a better term fuck buddies. I met you in the middle of it all. Completely unplanned. Things went a little sour a while ago and I haven't seen him but I found out about the pregnancy last night." He sort of stares at her before running a hand over his face. He's quiet.

"So...while we've been dating; you've been sleeping with someone else?"


"You've got to be kidding me, Samaria. This entire time you've been stringing me along...not calling was because there was someone else?"

"I had no idea we would become so close. But we did and I like you a lot and it doesn't justify me doing this but there it is. I'm sorry."

"I...have to go." He walks toward the living room and she follows after him.

"Derrick wait..." he keeps going; grabbing his shoes and wallet before storming out of her door.

She's alone again.

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