Open Up to You

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-2 months later-


"What do you mean the place isn't ready? We just finalized everything and you just told me it was okay to move."

"I'm sorry but we had to add an extra two and a half weeks to the floors because most of the workers haven't showed up."

"Two weeks? I've already packed everything up, the movers are coming tomorrow and I'm supposed to be out by tomorrow night. What am I supposed to do?"

"Hotel maybe? I'm sorry but this is how it has to go if you want the floors done."

"Fine." She sighs and hangs up. Tom comes sauntering in from his phone call in another room and they look to each other.

"How did your call go?"

"I have to leave in a few days to do some promotion and things. And filming in London."

"Really? How long?" She didn't want him to leave.

"For about three weeks. They tell me what's next after that."

"Okay..." he runs a hand through his hair.

"What was your news?"

"My place isn't finished. None of the workers showed up so it's going to take another two weeks. I've already given my extra key and things to the real estate agent. Someone has already bought the place. Now I have to find a hotel..."

"A hotel? For what?"

"For me and Ravyn. We have to be out by tomorrow night so the other people can move in."

"Why don't you stay at mine?" She stares at him.


"Of course. I've got plenty of room. If you need a place to stay you can stay there."

"I can't ask-"

"Well, you're not asking. I insist. You and Ravyn have no business in a hotel." He looks appalled that she would even suggest that.

"Well wouldn't we-"

"No. Really. We can pack tonight and in the morning we'll get you settled." He leans against the couch where she's working and she nods slowly.

"Thank means a lot."

"Its no problem." It's quiet before he speaks again. "Samaria would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?"


"Yeah. You, me,and Ravyn. There's this Italian restaurant down the street that I think is interesting. We haven't been out of the house in weeks and I'd like to take you." She looked like hell but she does think it would be nice to get out for a while. Get some fresh air.

"Okay, yeah. I'd like that. I just need to get dressed."

"Sure. Though I think you look nice like this." She looks down at her milk and vomit stained shirt and ratty sweats. She was sure her hair was poofy and wild.

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