Blood Lust

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"But you do know that you can't just go on a f*cking MURDER rampage!" Jade was arguing with Jesy in her room. The two of them were standing next to her bed now.

Jesy had her arms folded and was shaking her head. "I knew this would happen. You're just like Pez." She opened her eyes and they appeared sad. "Unsupportive of my dreams."

Jade groaned. "You cannot call MURDERING PEOPLE a DREAM! That's not okay you psycho- okay I know that you're a psycho for real but . . . Jesy . . ." She walked right up to her and held her shoulders. "Haven't they been helping you? Why would you think that it's okay to go on a rampage murdering innocent people??!"

Jesy didn't seem moved at all by any of what Jade was saying. "They don't know about that stuff. It's just my own secret little dream that only the ones I'm closest to know about. So far that's Pookie, Cookie, Johnny- no nickname for him- and Jadey." She grinned and it was an evil one.

"Wait you told Jungkook about this?"

"Well yeah he, Hoseok and Yoongi know too but I didn't include them. The 'Cookie' was a new nickname for Lil Lee-Lee but you're right. I'll leave Kookie for Lil Kook." Jesy acted as if this was all okay.

"Oh my God so they know and they're okay with it??" Jade's eyes were bulging here. This girl was insane!

"Well Kook and Seok have an idea but Yoongi's the one who really knows. He's part of the plan. He's got to burn down the mental asylum that my mum is staying at. He's really happy to have the task of burning down a building." Jesy released an evil laugh and then grinned the same way at Jade once more. "Isn't it all so exciting??"

Jade was just . . . And the rapid violin music being played in the back is NOT helping!

Jin was going off as he played 'Toxic' by Britney Spears. He was on his knees, doing some suggestive dancing. His eyes were closed and he was definitely unaware of anything else happening around him.

"Oh come on don't be such a greedy pants." Jesy said with her smirk back, brimming on her lips. She raised a finger. "Jade I saw it in your eyes the day I first laid eyes on you." She pointed that same finger at Jade's chest. "You've killed before and you enjoyed it." Her eyes widened as she spoke, a smile slowly coming back to her face. "It was a delicious event wasn't it? Don't deny me that pleasure."

Jade was shaking her head. "The people I killed- okay they didn't deserve it- but I at least had a reason for doing it!"

"I have a reason." Jesy said without an expression on her face. Her arms were folded and she just seemed blank.

"No just wanting to 'live your childhood dream' is not a reason because . . . there's barely any motivation!" Jade had her arms high up.

Jesy was laughing softly. "You're so mean. Why don't you want me to enjoy death by my own hand?"

Jade wanted to face-palm. This is what Perrie meant eh? I'm sorry for doubting you. Perrie had this argument with Jesy almost everyday and it was exhausting and then she still had to deal with Jade constantly getting up their asses and trying to accuse them of 'manipulating' all of their friends even though if that was happening, the highly trained specialists at this critically acclaimed school wouldn't allow it. Stupid. "Are you even listening to yourself???"

Jesy nodded. "I am. I'm speaking from the heart." She touched her chest.

Jade saw her mom appear on Jesy's face and she had to shake her head. "Don't say that-"

"How did it feel to kill-"

"Jesy no! I am not telling you!" Jade said sternly with a finger raised.

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