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"I hope you haven't missed too much." Christina was speaking to Jesy on their way back to Jesy's school that Sunday evening.

Jesy scrolled through her messages while her mother fixed her hair. After a long break from school, she was finally returning. The funeral had been . . . a funeral . . . and her family members had been . . . them. Nothing too eventful had happened. There had been a lot of crying and she had met with many people whom she found annoying. A few cousins came to mind.

"I'm sure that she hasn't. Jes didn't you say that Jungkook and the others kept sending you updates?" That was her dad; Cole. He was sitting at her side. She was between them. They had a paid driver taking them to the building of course.

Jesy was staring at a picture of Perrie that Jungkook had sent her a day after she left. "Yes. I have all of the homework I missed and I even know about the events which took place at school." She actually was not sure about the latter. During a few of their calls, Jungkook and Hoseok had seemed as if they were hiding something . . .

"Ah see that Christina? Nothing to worry about." Cole smiled at his wife.

Christina breathed out. "I suppose."

Cole saw that Jesy was very into her phone. "What are you looking at?"

Jesy showed him.

"Oh . . . of course." Cole sighed. Even while they had been spending time with family Jesy had been staring at pictures of Perrie. He rubbed her shoulder. "If she really isn't interested anymore, then you'll have to let her go alright?"

Jesy made a noise that said she did not agree but she rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"Jes don't give me an attitude. Remember, you can't always get what you want." Cole told her. Christina may have spent the most time with her but he knew Jesy pretty well too. She was an interesting girl.

"Your father is right. Like I said, space. Give her space. You've been doing so well so far. At a certain point you may have to let go of her if she really doesn't want to get back together." Christina said gently.

Jesy kept looking at the picture for a moment before pressing the power button on her phone.

They arrived before the building.

Jesy was searching the halls for something amiss as they all walked together. Her parents were the type to get really involved. That was why whenever they came to the school they would meet with her teachers and the headmistress or her overseer.

It should have been time for dinner but when Jesy looked into the cafeteria she did not see any of her classmates in there. She knew where they all sat. Where were they . . ?

When they got to the office, they were directed to the headmistress immediately.

Ms. Riley rose from her seat and went to shake the hands of the parents. "Mrs. Blake-Foster and Mr. Foster, so good to see you. It's good to see you too, Jesy." The lady looked just a bit uneasy.

Jesy would smirk and stare flirtatiously but the slight distress of the woman was glaring to her. She saw that her desk was a mess of files and papers. Something was off.

"Yes we just wanted to notify you that she's back and is ready to keep learning and improving. Grieving with the family didn't put much stress on her so I'd say she's about the same as before we left. Jes here doesn't get too fazed by such things. Although she did admit that she was sad about Grampy's passing. Right Jes?" Christina had a hand on Jesy's shoulder.

Jesy nodded. "He was a good man."

Cole had heard that line from everyone who had spoken to them. People would say 'Accept my sympathy, he was a good man'. Was Jesy just copying them? At least she's added more lines to her repertoire. "And a caring great grandfather right Jesy?" He rubbed her back.

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