My Valentine

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Jade tore flesh off the wall of her mouth with her molars and then chewed it as the area filled with blood.

" . . . and even though all of my close friends have my heart in their pretty hands, I have to choose one to be my true . . . valentine." Jungkook was sharing how he felt at the centre of the circle formed by their class. They were outside on the football field, sitting on the grass with legs crossed. The one in the centre had to stand.

"Aww. I wonder who it's gonna be." Prodigy gushed to Ray Ray as other members of their class mumbled. He was in very bright spirits on this bright Tuesday morning. Amber is so f*cking PUMPED for our school dance and it's all because I told her that we planned it to a tee! Just for her! His bashful smile turned into an angry grin for some reason. He wasn't actually aggravated but he looked that way, like an evil villain in a cartoon. We planned it all and that's why the dance later gon' be lit! AGH! I CAN'T WAIT! He wiped drool from his mouth before laughing with clenched teeth, deviously. I gotta make it up to her. Gotta show her a good time. I don't deserve her love. Not that they were officially dating or anything. He just didn't feel as if he was worthy of her kindness.

Ray sighed long while gazing upon Jungkook. All o' dem . . . everyone in Jesy's circle got a pink ribbon on in honour of Valentine's day. He thought with his words dragging.

Jungkook wore his pink ribbon around his head like a hair band, it formed a bow at the left side and made him look kind of girlish. Hoseok wore his the same as Jungkook and so did Yoongi. Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Perrie wore theirs on their blazers, pinned onto the pocket of their left breast. From what Ray could see, Perrie and Jesy were wearing matching rings as well. As if they're married. Ray thought tiredly.

He sighed. Without having Jesy to investigate since all of her potential threats had been explained as her simply being weird, he was back to being bored of his life here at this school. Guess it's for the best. My therapist said that my becoming fascinated with her was just my obsessive disorder showing itself. So I'd basically been having a relapse. He groaned. Why did the relapse make him feel more alive than when he was 'healthy'? Ugh. Valentine's Day.

"The one I choose is none other than . . . Hoseok!" Jungkook pointed at his best friend.

Prod clapped high above his head as Hoseok got up and hugged Jungkook awkwardly. "Good on you bro! Good! On! You! Woo! True love wins! Hahahahahahey! Aye Ray!" He wrapped his arm around Ray Ray.

Ray groaned and the class laughed.

"Ain't this da best?" Prod grinned at him.

Ray would shove him off but he didn't have the energy. "Yeah . . . sure." He dragged out.

Yoongi suddenly rested himself on him.

Ray looked down at the guy and saw him smiling at him in a creepy way. "Wow . . ." Why was he even still alive?

"Alright, thank you Kook for sharing your general feelings with us." Alex said brightly. I'm just happy that the litmus test on Saturday went generally well. There was also the fact that they were starting therapy with Leigh's mom. She seemed to be . . . proving difficult to provide aid to but from what Alex could see she would be a lot easier to deal with now than before Jesy had done her magic. He sighed. Jesy . . . He thought with eyes on the girl with the smirk.

"Ha ha even fools can find true love I guess." Prince commented. "Right Jade?" He nudged her.

Jade had blood seeping from her lips.

Princeton noticed this. "Whoa . . ." That was new.

She licked it off and then grinned. "Yes . . . they sure can." She looked from Perrie to Leigh-Anne while saying this with blood stained on her teeth.

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