A bite

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" . . . I been revising for like forever now but I still feel like some of my stuff needs some polishing up you know? Oh God this topic is hard. It's like I feel ready but at the same time I don't. I did a practice question last night and I bombed it so what if that means I'm still not good enough to get an A?" Roc was scratching his head nervously as he left the classroom for the cafeteria that day at lunch.

Jimin was at his side, listening to his woes. "Hmm . . . while I was with you earlier that night you'd been breezing through everything. Do you think that you maybe got it wrong because you felt nervous without me around?" The rest of their classmates were walking around them to the same area. Everyone was basically back to normal after the 'scare' of Jesy possibly being a threat and a person to not be trusted last week. It was a new week now, Monday. During the weekend Jesy and her crew had been a bit distant from everyone else. Jimin found that strange . . .

Roc sighed. "Well . . ."

"Aye y'all they started putting up fliers for that Valentimes day dance." Prodigy said happily, appearing next to Roc.

"Valentimes?" Hoseok questioned from behind them next to a quiet Jungkook.

Prod looked at him over his shoulder with a scowl. "That's what I said. Why you repeating as if you asking me a question? Uh?" He sounded defensive immediately.

Hoseok blinked his eyes blankly.

"It's because you pronounced it wrong bro. Valentines." Roc told.

Prodigy blushed very noticeably. "Uh-uh oh I . . . oh it was a mistake y'all. I know how to say Valentines. Just a childhood habit- stop calling me stupid in y'all minds!"

"Prodigy no one was doing that. It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes I still pronounce Valentines as Balentines. I had a lot of trouble learning how to pronounce the 'v' in English if I'm being honest." Jimin said pleasantly.

"For real?" Prod laughed. "Man that's so easy. How you mixing up 'v' and 'b'. Ha ha. Aye erbody! Jimin-"

"Okay man relax. Leave him alone." Roc shook his head by Prodigy's rudeness.

Prod shrugged indifferently as they approached the cafeteria.

Hoseok and Jungkook were moving sadly to their table when Jungkook suddenly stopped walking to look at the table being filled by Jimin, Taehyung, Prodigy and Roc Royal. Jungkook was the one mainly behaving downcast it seemed.

Hoseok stared at him then the table.

"They don't even know how mean they were that time. When everyone was planning to overthrow Jesy as our class' leader." Jungkook still remembered how many of his classmates had been making fun of him last Friday while Jade and Jimin tried to expose Jesy. Prodigy had been very mean and so had Princeton, Jin and Namjoon. But I expect Princeton and Namjoon to not be nice. But Jin . . . he's our friend. He bit his lip sadly while his vision blurred. He was looking at where Jin sat with his mean friends. Prince and Namjoon were already laughing at something. Jade did not look to be laughing with them. She's just scowling with her gorgeous new hairdo making her look like one of the most beautiful people on earth. Jade had shocked everyone this morning with a new hair colour and style. She had entered the dining hall as if nothing had changed about her but they had all noticed that her hair had been straighter and that the colour was now dark magenta. It was lovely but she was still mean. Pretty but mean.

"We can tell Jesy to threaten them so that they can all say sorry for being bad friends." Hoseok told him. They were still standing and staring at Jade's table.

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