Blank Space

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It was Sunday. The hour was 5:00 p.m and Jin was cooking up a storm.

"The only way out is innnn! The only way out is innn!" He was singing a song which was blasting from his speakers as he cooked merrily. His toosh shook as he moved.

"What are you cooking for again?" Princeton was sitting on Jin's bed, typing feverishly on his phone.

"Oh it's just Jesy's meals for tomorrow. I need to make sure that they are extra tasty. We'll be out of school for the whole day so she needs to eat. If she doesn't like them she won't eat and she may end up fainting. I don't want that. Perrie seems worried about that happening again." Jin whistled and danced as he finished his stuff up.

Prince liked being in here when Jin prepared food. He sometimes lets me taste it. And the smell in here is awesome. He inhaled with a content smile and then exhaled the same way. "Okay sweet-oh shit we're gonna be out the whole day tomorrow? From what time? When was this even stated?" He kind of had plans for tomorrow which would need to involve him being in the building . . . That is if Leigh plays her role right. Lil crazy girl. I've been messaging her about this all day and she keeps forgetting. What is on that girl's mind? He shook his head as he sent her messages saying to be careful to not get caught while she looked for the sex tape. Apparently, Jesy and her weirdo friends would be having some movie night this evening so Leigh would be in their room- well she's always there but it'd be nice for her to get this done while they're all distracted. Leigh could leave for Jesy's room if she couldn't find anything in Perrie's. That was how he saw it. No one would care because they'd be into the movie. I'm beginning to wonder if she's the best person for this stealth mission though. She seemed . . . really stupid and crazy. Now he knew why Jade hated her so much.

Ha ha I don't hate her. She's fine as hell. Can't wait to tap dat ass. He chuckled as he thought of Namjoon. That idiot had been mad at him after finding out that Leigh had spent the night in his room last night. Yeah he came in in the morning looking all mad. I just let him sleep with her to make it up to him. Namjoon had gotten way too cuddly at some points and Prince had been worried that she would have woken up and been mad at him. That's why I kicked him out after an hour. Freak show. Namjoon wasn't mad anymore at least.

Now that Prince thought about it. That could be a good business opportunity in itself. Yeah whenever she sleeps in my room I can charge some desperate losers to cuddle with her while she's out. Oh yeah! I am in business! He needed to gain her trust more. They were already friends in her head from what he could see. Yeah she's gullible as f*ck. He loved that stupid, crazy chick with all of his heart at the moment. Can't wait to sell dem sex tape copies. I can see the dough already . . . not that I need it. Just for fun you know? I like making people . . . want what I have. Heheheheheheh! He was back to his old ways wasn't he? No, I'll cut it out soon. Let me just have some fun in the mean time.

He paused. "Who am I talking to in ma head?" He looked around.

"What did you say my boy?" Jin asked after he was done packing up Jesy's snacks.

"Oh nothing. Just talking to m-" There was a knock on the door then.

Jin was lost. "Maybe Jade stopping by to rant about how much Jesy but especially Perrie irritates her because she apparently overheard them speaking about her. She says Perrie feels threatened by her. Like girlll get over yourself." He laughed as he made his way to open his door. Prince had been laughing too. Yes, they talked about Jade behind her back.

The person standing before Jin once he swung his door open was Taehyung from class.

"Um . . . what?" Jin asked. "Jimin is not here-"

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