Chapter 44: The First Date

Start from the beginning

He kissed my forehead, and trailed invisible lines on my hand. "You are thinking about him, aren't you?", he asked. "Am I a bitch for thinking about him when we're kissing?", I asked. "No, quite the opposite actually. It would be weird if you weren't thinking of him. He was special to you", he said. "I miss him you know? I mean, before all these mess, Jer was my best friend. The fact that he's mad at me, and won't talk to me is just about enough to make me wanna bawl and cry my eyes out", I said. "Hmm, I'm guessing your last visit still didn't yield any positive result huh", he asked. "You can say that again. He's refused to see me still, and Care's so mad at me. She basically gave me the evil eye, from the moment I got there, to the moment I couldn't take it anymore and left. I mean, I don't blame her, I broke her brother's heart, and if anyone had done that to J or Dare, I'd do that too, or even worse", I sighed, exasperated. "Its just, I just don't know what to do", I sobbed. "Shh, I'm here, I'm right here. I'm sure everything will be fine, okay? Everything would be okay, baby", he patted my hair. I cried for hours before I finally slept in his arms.

It was the first time in days I didn't wake up drenched in my sweat, heart pounding from the nightmares. "Morning", Gabriel said. "You were watching me sleep, weren't you?", I smiled. "Guilty", he said. "Are you okay now? You cried yourself to sleep, and I was worried for a second there", he said. "Well, I'm still sad about Jer, but I'm better now", I said. He kissed me, and smiled. "What do you wanna do today?", he asked. "Pout", I replied. "No, not today. You've been pouting and moping and crying these last few days, no more of it. Your birthday's just in two days, and that's not the right attitude to have on your birthday", he said, and I stared at him in surprise.

"You remembered my birthday?", I asked. "Of course, why wouldn't I?", he said. I saddled him, he opened his mouth in surprise, and stared at me, letting me take charge. I smiled, and kissed him. I maintained eye contact with him, and removed my sweatshirt, I still had my camisole on. He groaned, and pulled me closer to him. "I love when you take charge", he whispered, and trailed kisses down my neck.

I chuckled, and kissed him. "I'm sure you do", I whispered. I pulled his shirt off, his toned chest stared at me, and he put his hand down, giving me room to do whatever I wanted to do. I smiled, and trailed my hand down his chest. I pinched his nipple, and he let out a little gasp. I chuckled and he met me halfway as we kissed.

The door opened, I yelped and fell off the bed in surprise. "Evil twin, have you seen Jol-", she paused. "Little sister, come on", Gabriel groaned. Gabby looked at her brother in surprise, then at me. "Okay, clearly I interrupted something, I'm just gonna go", she said with the biggest smile I'd ever seen on her face. "Anytime now", Gabriel shooed her, and she left but not without giving me her signature smirk, and I sighed deeply. She wasn't gonna let me live this down.

"I'm sorry about that", he said, when I stood up. I smiled, and shook my head playfully. "You and Jer need to learn how to keep your doors locked", I said, then froze. Shit, did I really just say that? I shut my eyes tight and turned to him slowly. "I'm sorry, was that inappropriate?", I asked. He sighed and got up from the bed. He wore his shirt, and stared at me. "Yeah, a little bit, but I get it, you and Jer had something great together. But just cause I feel sorry for the guy don't mean that I wanna hear your special moments with each other", he said.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I made that stupid joke", I apologized. He touched my cheeks, and kissed my forehead. "Let me take you out on a date", he said. I looked out the window. "Its snowing", I informed. "So, we'll wear our coats. Please, I just want to take you out today", he said. "Okay", I said. "Great, go get ready", I nodded, and moved to go to my room. He stopped me by grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "What are you doing?", I chuckled. "I don't wanna ever let you go", he said. I turned to him and wrapped my hands around his neck.

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