Chapter 14 ~ Graveyard

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Alex's POV

"Get down now!"

I look up and notice a herd of walkers starting to invade the area. I curse under my breath as I pull Carl down under a car. Carl looks at me and takes a deep breath as the moan of walkers fill the air.

· · · ·An hour earlier · · · ·

Deep breaths is all thats happening right now. Running for your life really takes a tole on you. I'm glad I persuaded Andrea into staying..she has so much to live for.

Even though its calm in the my head its a battlefield...thoughts running miles per hour..Jener whisperd something to Rick before he left..I have no idea what it was but I trust Rick...he will tell us.

"Awe shit!" Dale screams as smoke appears. He stops the rv and we all get out.

I admire the place we are in keeping an eye on everything. We are on a highway filled with cars.

I make my way from the group which right now is a bad thing but i don't care. Looking through the cars i notice dead people..blood splattered all over. Some of these people died from an attack...some suicide. I open a car door and search for supplies. My eyes scan the inside of the dirty car. That's when I saw it. A baby car seat drenched in blood...i had to get out of there. I lifted my head in a rush that I hit it on the car roof while exiting.

The bloody car seat brought back a memory from my past that I've always wanted to forget...

I walk up to my group. They are talking about staying here!...we can't stay here!

"This place is a graveyard." I butt in. "She has a point." Rick begins but gets interrupted. "When did we start taken orders from a little girl, Rick?" 

Shane needs to shut his mouth before i clock him in the jaw..I'm more than just a little girl.

Rick nods "Okay go searching for supplies, stay together...stay safe."

We split up in pairs. Carl ,Sofia , Carol , Lori and I are together.

Looking through cars and seeing what these people have done to themselves..make me really think...this world has really changed...

"What you thinking about?" I jump startled by Carl "Nothing." I lie "Do you know what I'm thinking about?" He asks smirking "Yes, I'm a mind reader!" We both laugh. I can feel my cheeks burning up so I hide my face.

"So..about last night I wa-"

"Get down now!"

I look up and notice a herd of walkers starting to invade the area. I curse under my breath as I pull Carl down under a car. Carl looks at me and takes a deep breath as the moan of walkers fill the air

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