Chapter 22 ~ Your Mine

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Carl's POV

My eyes fill with worry as I see Beth running towards the farm with no Alex. I run and meet her half way.  "Where's Alex!" I don't care where the fuck Daryl is but Alex yeah. "She fell off a cliff..we need to get help now!"

" time let's go!"

I run the direction Beth goes. I hope Alex is okay.




"Here?" I ask, Beth nods and points down. My eyes grow big at the sight of Alex laying in the creek with two walkers coming after her. I jump down and lose my balance as my feet made impact with the ground, as soon as I regained my balance I ran to the closest walker and the stabbed it's skull. By this time Beth is down there with me.

I ignore the second walker and run to a passed out Alex. Damn she looks beautiful just laying there. I go to pick her up but get distracted by another walker, Beth gets the second walker I saw, I pulled out my gun and shot the third one. I didn't hit it completely but I hit it's temple so it's still alive. I continued to pick up Alex. I lift my knee up trying to support her.

"Carl...!" Beth freaks, I look at her examining the walker "It's Daryl!"

What the fuck did I just do! I'm so dead!

"What! How! I-"

"He's still alive but we need to go now."

"Okay..I-I'll-damn! I'm going to run Alex back you stay here please!"

I run off leaving Beth with Daryl.




"How did this happen?" My dad finally asks like 20 minutes after we got Daryl. "B-Beth told me Alex was hurt so I went to get her..Daryl looked like a I didn't know." He gives me his occasional head tilt then nods. "You should go check on Alex, I know how much you care about her." I nod and walk to Alex's room, where she's still out. I pull up a little stool and sit by her bed. "Hershal tended to your wound,your going to be okay." I say even though she can't hear me. I grab her hand and a tear falls down my cheek, "Your so beautiful!" I cry. Alex slowly opens her eyes and smiles, instead of getting Hershal I just sit there. "Don't need to cry, I'm here." A smile grows on my face. She reahes up weakly wiping the tears off my face, then I realize she's about to cry too and I was right, a tear comes trolling down her cheek. I do the same and wipe her tears causing her to blush.

"Alex I-I love you...more than you know." It's true I love her so much. She stays quite. "The first time we kissed I...I thought of it as a mistake...your the best mistake I ever made!" I shout with tears coming down my cheeks. "Oh Carl I love you more than you will ever know!" 

I lean in and kiss her soft, sweet tasting lips. I deepen the kiss by letting my tongue break through her lips. She then smiles.

"Your mine."

What Was Once Hidden ~ Carl Grimes FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon