Chapter 18 ~ A Monster

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Alex's POV

Everything happened in slow motion. Like the thing you love, slowly being ripped away.

Admiring a view that is so beautiful then boom it's gone. Just like this was beautiful then the monsters came and invaded it.


My thoughts were broke to the sound of Carl hitting the ground.

I clasps to the ground holding Carl's head in my lap. "No! N-No please." I cry. My tears pour out of my eyes and hit his face.

Rick runs over and picks up Carl, slightly pushing me to the side. I look at my hands and all I see is red. The thought of having Carl's blood on my hands makes me shake in fear.

I slowly hear the crunch of leaves. As I look up a man comes into view.

This is the man that shot Carl!

Without thinking I get up, running to the man. I reach him and pull my knife out. Harshly I apply pressure to his throat.

"M-Mam please don't kill me!"

"Give me one good damn reason why I shouldn't!" I scream applying more pressure to the knife on his throat.

The man gulps in fear.

As I'm about to break skin I hear a click of a gun. I already know it's Rick.

"We don't kill the living." Rick says holding the gun to my head.

Then it comes to me. I look deeply into this mans eyes and see a reflection of a monster.

I slowly let go and put my knife back. I turn around facing the gun Rick still had pointed. He gives me a glare...a mean nasty glare. I deserve it! I'm a monster...

As my eyes begin to fill with tears Rick loses his glare and looks at me in a more comforting way. He lowers his gun and quickly the attention is back on Carl.

"I-I have a farm..Hershal will fix your boy right up." The man speaks. Shane viciously grabs the man's shirt "Lead now!"

Rick grabs Carl and starts to run following Shane and who ever that guys name is. I begin to run but stopped by Rick screaming from a mile away.

"Go back to the highway! Get help!"

But I do the complete opposite.

"No Rick I'm coming!" I yell back.

"Damn it Alex you and your stubbornness!"

I find myself laughing at can I laugh at a time like this? can I laugh in a world taken over by the dead?

It's starting to become a struggle to breathe now since we've at least ran about three miles in only fifteen minutes. I start to slow down but quickly pick up speed when I see a white farm house.

I run really really fast to catch up to my people. My adrenaline is pumping throw my vaines so fast that I end up passing a slowly dehydrating Rick who's carring a bleeding out Carl.

A woman with short brown hair comes into view. I wave my hands to get noticed.

"Hi I'm Alex! Is there a Hershal here?" I ask slowly approaching the house. The woman runs into the house.

By this time I'm on the porch. An old man comes out with a blonde woman who's about in her thirties, along with the woman I saw before. Rick runs up.

"Are you Hershal! Help my boy please!"

I move out of the way so Rick can pass by. The people run into the house, I decide to stay out side so it's less crowded.

Shane and the man approach me. "Look mis about what happened ov-"

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