Chapter 47 - Betrayer

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*Before I get into this chapter, I just want to tell you that, this chapter is a filler, it shows what happen to the Governor and Victoria after the fight. So here we go*

Victoria's P.O.V.

I ran. I just ran. I couldn't stay there, I can't. I've changed and there's no going back. I'm trying to find the Governor, I need to go back. As I make my way onto the road I hear gunshots, I follow them and they lead me to where I wanted to go. I see the Governor holding a machine gun and people I used to know dead on the ground.

"Kill her!" Martinez yells "She's a betrayer!"

The Governor raises his gun at me. "Wait,!" I plead "I want to come back, those people mean nothing to me, I swear! Please!" I beg. The Governor puts the gun down and smirks. "Get in the truck." I smile at their acceptance. I get in the passenger seat and Martinez in the back. The Governor drives off.

"What made you change your mind?" He asks "I just...they aren't my type of people." I tell him.


"What the hell?" We pull up to the Woodbury gates...or whats left of them. Biters filled the streets. "It's gone." I say. We just sit there until screaming approached. "Governor, I'm so happy you're here!" Michael says running to the car. "Those people came, took everyone, I hid because I'm not going with them." He says smartly. "Damn it!" I sigh. "Get in." The Governor tells him. Michael gets in and we drive off.

We drove until it was dark.

The Governor stops the car on the side of the road. "We're going to stay here tonight." He says grabbing the tents from the back.

After putting them up, Michael and Martinez went in one and I went in one with The Governor.

I lay down on my back. He lays down beside me. "What about your sister?" He asks "Whatever, I don't care anymore. She went and got herself knocked up, clearly she doesn't need me and I dont need her." I grunt. "What are you going to do now?" I ask. The Governor turns on his side and looks at me. "Well...I was thinking about kissing you." He says. I smile. He hovers over me and kisses me. He takes off my shirt and bra. I take off his jacket and shirt. I moan at the touch of his lips on my skin. I guess we can have some fun tonight.

*Next Day *

"Yo Governor!" Michael screams waking me up. Thank God he didn't come in the tent. "What?" The Governor asks waking up. "Martinez is gone!"

The Governor and I quickly got dressed and walked out.


We pack up the tents and get in the car. "Michael, they killed your want revenge?" he asks starting up the car. "Hell yeah!" Michael smirks. The Governor takes off.


"Why are we here?" I ask as he parks in the woods, you can see the prison in between the trees. "Michael take this." The Governor says handing him a walkie-talkie. "Go sneak in from the back, act like they picked you up from Woodbury. Be nice, act like nothing is wrong, I'll radio you later tonight. Alright?" Michael nods and gets out. The Governor drives off. "You let a fifteen year old do that?" I ask. "The boy will do whatever I tell him to." He says smirking.

We drive until the car broke down. We walked till the day turned to night. I layed down in the grass. "The plan is Michael will befriend your sister, he will help her find you. He will bring her to a spot where you will be waiting, you knock her unconscience and bring her to where ever I will be." The Governor tells me. "Did you tell him yet?" I ask "I radioed him alittle while ago. I'm gonna check in tomorrow, for now we get some rest."

*Next Morning*

It's early but we had to move because Biters came. "I talked to Michael and out plan hit a snag, your slut of a sister lost her memory." He explains "For now we just walk." I roll my eyes. "Michaels dad was in charge of killing her, he must have done something to knock her out instead."

I sigh.

I'm getting annoyed. With him talking bullshit, this walk is going to be long.

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