Chapter 33 ~ Unexpected Attack

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Carl's Pov

"Is everything going to be okay?" Alex asks crying. "Everything will be okay." I say hugging her tightly "Promise?" She asks. "Promise."
Nothing prepared us for what had just happened.

Hours Earlier

Alex's Pov

Me and Carl walk down from the guard tower. The necklace he gave me is so beautiful, I will always remember what this necklace stands for...always no matter what. I love Carl and that will never change.

"He's still there." Carl says breaking my thoughts. I nod. "How about you go ahead in and I'll talk to him." Carl seems hesitant before he answers, "Okay, see you inside babe." He says kissing me and walking into the prison. I love the taste of his lips! I love him!

I walk down the field and stand on the other side of the fence. "Rick." I say, he just looks at me. "Rick, when are you planning on coming back in?" I ask. He walks up to the fence.

"I-I can't."

"Why can't you?" I ask. He puts his hand on his belt, "I--I...I got stuff....thangs out here."

What could this man possibly have out here? I feel so bad for this man right now. "I--I see her...I see Lori."

Ohhh Rick....

"Lori is dead, Rick." I say. He nods. "I know."

"Look, your son is in there...he's worried about you, and you have a baby who needs her father." he's silent "Look I kn-"

Gunshots cut me off! Gunshots! I fall to the ground taking cover.

"Rick!" I scream over the loud shots. "Its okay Alex just stay down!"

Oh...what the fuck is happening!

Carl's Pov

I was feeding Judy but got interrupted by gunshots!

"Carl! Don't!" Beth screams as I run outside. I didn't give a fuck what anyone says, my dad and my girlfriend are our there! I'm going!

"Carl!" I hear Carol scream "It's the Governor I bet!" she screams from the guardtower. Oh no! "Where's Alex!?" Maggie asks running out with guns "S-She's over there!" I say pointing to the fields....I hope she's okay! "And your dad?" I sigh "Still out in the fields." Maggie hands me a gun. "Is that the governor?" I ask, she squints, then gasps...I'm taking that as a yes! Damn it!

Maggie runs inside and comes out with Beth. They both run to the other side of the prison. I take cover around the corner.

This isn't good...its okay Carl...Alex is safe....she's taking cover it's okay. I aim my gun and look through the scope. I see one of his men, I set my finger on the trigger than pull, he's dead.

The gunshots stop. I look through the scope and look over at Alex. She's poor girl. I move over to where the governor is.

Him and his eye patch! Fucking basterd! He raises his gun and shoots a couple more....than it's quite.

I then hear....a van? I move my gun over to the front gates and...oh gosh! This guy won't stop!

I watch as a van runs through the gates....our then drives to the field! Alex is in that field! Oh my gosh! What does this fuck have planned!?

The back of the van opens....

Alex's Pov

"Rick...who's doing this?" I ask shaking...I'm so fucking scared! I want Carl! "The governor!" He screams. I knew he was trouble!

Oh my gosh! I can't even anymore! Now there's a truck in the field where I am! This isn't going to be good.....

The back let's down.

Groans fill The air.

Holy shit! There's like a fucking dozen WALKERS! I stand up....I know stupid...but I stood up because I spot the person who was driving the truck. The person is wearing a helmet, dark black jeans and a grey sweatshirt. I run dodging the walkers, hitting some in the face with the end of my gun.

The person looks back and sees me. I pick up speed and jump. I actually got the person! We start to tackle. The persons strength over comes mine and I'm now pinned to the ground. I kick the person in the back with my heel. Now I got them pinned.

Another truck pulls up and....Glenn gets out. "Help!" I yell. Glenn picks up this mysterious person and puts them in the pick up. I get in a make sure they stay. "What the hell happened!?" Glenn screams driving up to the prison. "The Governor happened." I say breathing heavily "Is Maggie okay!?" "She's fine!" Glenn sighs "Thank God! He can't lay another finger on her again!"

Wait what!

"Glenn did....did he ra-"

"No! He made her take off her clothes...and he....touched her...but he did not rape her...Merle also beat me."

That's horrible! I stay quite.

Glenn pulls up to the court and I see Carl! Thank God! I run out of the car and into his arms. Tears start pouring out, "C-Carl I was so scared I thought I was going to di-" He cuts me off with a kiss "Don't ever say that! Don't! You are here with me! Alive! Breathing! That's all that matters!" I nod and bury my head in his chest and just hug him tightly.

Rick finally comes, and Daryl....and Merel are with him. I don't care at this point! They take the person I tackled into the prison. Everyone goes in but me and Carl. I just stand there hugging him tightly.

"Is everything going to be okay?" I ask with tears pouring down. "Everything will be okay." He says hugging me tighter. "Promise?" I ask



So I'm sorry for the sucky chapter......

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Love you all <3

~ Madilyn

What Was Once Hidden ~ Carl Grimes FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora