Chapter 55 - We Did It

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Previously in What Was Once Hidden

Carl's P.o.v.

We run into a building. There were names written all over and candles on the floor. We don't question it, we just run out. We run into a big opening but they stopped us there.

"Stop shooting!" We look up and see Gareth on the roof. "You see that train car." I look to my left and see a red, rusted train car. It had 'A' written on it.

"When I call you, you go in there!" He orders "The ring leader!" My dad walks up to the train door. "The archer!" Daryl then walks up behind my dad. "The Samari!" Michonne walks up behind Daryl. "The boy!"

I look at Alex who starts crying. "I love you." I say "We'll be okay." I tell her. She nods. "I love you too." I let go and walk to the others. "Now go in!" He yells. "Not with out my girlfriend!" I scream. Gareth grunts. "Go girl!" Alex walks as fast as she could to me. When she gets to me I hug her tight. "Now go!" My dad opens the train car and walks in. Once we all got in he shut it.


Glenn, Maggie, Sasha and other people I don't recognized step up.

"Alex, oh my God!" Maggie says looking at Alex's stomach.

"They're going to be stupid when the find out." My dad says.

"Find out what?" A guy with red hair asks.

"They're screwing with the wrong people." Dad says.

I look around the car train. Everyone was quite just looking at my dad. Alex squeezed my hand tightly. Tighter than usual.

"Carl..." She says. "What?" I ask looking at her. She doesn't say anything, she just screams holding her stomach.

"It's's time."

Now in What Was Once Hidden

Carl's P.o.v.

"What...what do you mean it's time!?" I scream. I know exactly what she meant...I just didn't want it to be true. We're in a freaking train car for crying at loud! "Carl I think you know what she means..." Maggie says. I just stand there in shock...I...I dont know what to do...the last time something like this happened is when Judith was born. "C'mon lets lay her down." Maggie says.

I lay Alex down gently on the floor. She's in pain, bad pain. Maggie lifts her legs up and pulls her pants down.

"Alright..." She says examining her "Your about seven centimeters dilated."

"Carl?" My dad asks. I turn around. "Y-Yeah...?" I ask. I am most defiantly still in shock. "Congratulations, son." Dad says patting my shoulder. I can't even speak, I'm so fucking nervous. I nod and return to Alex. I kneel down beside her and take her hand. "How are you doing?" I ask "How the fuck do you think I'm doing?" She asks "Just wonderful!" She screams. I roll my eyes...pregnant Alex. "We're going to wait and see how many centimeters she dilates in two minuets." Maggie says "Uhm..Eugene.. Does your watch still work?" She asks the guy with the mullet. He nods. "Watch it, tell me when two minuets pass."



"Alright, Alex how are you doing?" Maggie asks. "I feel like I have to push." Alex says. It's been more than two least that's what it feels like. Alex pushes and squeezes my hand. She lets out a breath. Maggie checks her again. "Oh...okay...your about nine centimeters now. Your body is telling you to do the right thing. It's time to push. In a matter of minutes your baby will be here."

My heart dropped. I know Alex is more nervous than I am but...this is really a matter of minutes I'll be a father.

I zoned out. I am so nervous. This is happening. Everything is going by so fast. Screaming echoes through the train car. This is crazy!

The screaming stopped and the car was filled with crying. I looked at Alex and she smiles. "We...we did it." I say. She smiles. I kiss her lips softly.

"Does anyone have scissors?" Maggie asks holding a crying baby. That's not the only crying I hear. Alex, she is crying too. "Here..." Glenn says handing Maggie scissors. She looks at me and holds them out. "Do you want to cut the cord?" She asks smiling. I grab the scissors in my shaky hands and cut the cord. By doing that I found out the gender of our baby. I smile and put the scissors on the floor. I look at Alex.

"It's a boy." I say with tears in my eyes. Alex covers her mouth and crys harder. Maggie hands Alex our baby boy. I take off my shirt and wrap the baby in it. "Hi, my beautiful boy." She says looking in his eyes. She looks up at me and smiles. "Can you take him while Maggie cleans me up?" She asks. I nod and take the baby. I stand up and look down at him. He has my eyes and Alex's nose. I pictured this day so many times while she was pregnant with him. His birth most defiantly wasn't going to be in a train car where we are held captive but that doesn't matter. He's here and he's healthy.

"Can I have my kid now?" Alex asks. I laugh and bend down as I pass him into her arms.

"Babe..." I say "We did it...we finally did it." I smile. She nods "Yes we did."

"What's his name?" My dad asks. "Grayson." Alex and I said in sync. We all laughed and enjoyed this moment.

I can't believe I'm finally a dad.


Heeeeeeeeey!! So I'm sorry for the short.. Kinda sucky chapter...I just wanted to update. Just to let you guys know....I didn't know Chandlers brothers name was Grayson until a couple months ago actually. I just really like that name, so that's why I used it. Please, vote & comment.

Thanks and bye! ✌

~ WalkerGirl

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