Chapter 8 ~ Goodbye Safety

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Alex's POV

I run up to the RV out of breath. "I..I won!" I say in and out of breaths "Looks like you did!" Carl says catching up along with Amy and Andrea.

I look over at Dale who lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw her. "Uh Andrea can I see you for a minu-" "No need, they know " Andrea interrupts. Dale grew a wide smile "In that case." He says grabbing Andrea, pulling her close and kissing her. "Eww! Gross!" Amy whined.

I laugh and look at Carl who's lost in his thoughts, while staring at me. I smile, making Carl snap out of his gaze. He quickly returns a smile. I can feel my cheeks burning up and I see his turning red too...I find it cute. I look down and start playing with the rocks, still smiling. I look up to find Carl doing the same thing. I laugh in my head and walk to my tent.


Carl's POV

It's dark and my dad isn't back! Before he left he promised he would make it back before dark! I...I need someone to talk to!..I know who! I'll talk to Alex...but there's also Sofia...I'll go to Alex, even though I knew Sofia longer I feel this connection between me and Alex.

I walk to her tent and see her sitting on her mattress. She looks deep into that book I gave her earlier, I'll come back later. I go to walk away but its to late, she sees me.

"Hey, what's up?" Damn even her voice is sexy! "Can I talk to you?" I say as a grin approaches my face. She smiles and nods, motioning me in.

"I'm worried about my you think he's okay?" She places her hand on my thigh which sent tingling feelings up my leg and into my stomach. When Sofia touches me it doesn't feel like that.

"Your dad is the most toughest guy I've ever met! He's gonna come back! Don't worry!"

I put my hand on hers and stroke it with my thumb "Thank you" I say "Anything for you."

We stare at each other. Getting lost in each others eyes. I just met this girl and I already feel like she's the one...could that be possible?

"Guys dinner...Oh" Amy busts in ruining our moment. Alex quickly moves her hand away. I stand up and awkwardly cough. "I'll just go.." Amy says leaving.

Alex stands up and smiles. "Should we go get dinner." She laughs awkwardly, I join her in that awkward laugh "Yeah lets go.."

Alex's POV

I sit by the fire, eating the fish Amy and Andrea caught earlier. Everyone is gathered around...well I wouldn't say everyone. Rick and the guys are still out looking for Merel. The only...young, tough guy here is Shane. Him and Lori, Ricks wife, have been giving each other the death glare since we sat down.

I pull the blanket I have over my head a bit. Its really chilly tonight. As I do I drop a piece of fish on the floor. That's a shame! The fish is so good...and that was my last piece for the night.

I sigh.

I hear chuckles coming from across me. I look up, through the fire I see Carl laughing. I smile and he smirks back to me.

When he does that its so hot!

"I'll be right back" Amy says getting up. "Where are you going?" Andrea worries. "Um to pee." Amy says rolling her eyes "Well if that's the case go ahead." Andrea says snuggling into Dales arms.

The age difference between them is huge...not that huge but huge. If it's love...its love there's no stopping it.

Amy walks away and into the RV.

"So Lori, what did you do before this?" Andrea asks. I look at Lori curiously..I'm actually interested to know. "I was an accountent...very good with numbers! Which makes Carl very happy when it comes to Math time!" Carl hides his face an embarrassment.

I giggle.

An ear piercing scream stops all of our fun. We turn around and see...

"Amy!!" Andrea runs towards Amy as she gets taken down with blood gushing out of her neck.

"Oh, oh my gosh!" I scream pointing to the walkers invading our camp. Carl runs over and grabs my hand, pulling me to him and his mom. Shane grabs his gun and begins shooting.

I start to cry. I don't know why..maybe its the thought I could die tonight. My tears come rolling down. I feel arms wrap around me, making me feel safe. I look up and see Carl.

"Its okay." He whispers

More gun shots are followed by Shane's. Rick and the guys come running out of the bushes taking down walker by walker.

As time went by more went down until they were all gone.

I realized something tonight...

I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

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