Chapter 26 ~ Hospital Run

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Carl's Pov

Today I woke pretty early, leaving Alex sound asleep in our cell. Its been three days since Hershals accident, he woke up but we think its best for him to stay on bed rest. We are going on a run today to find Hershal some real crutches it isn't going to be easy but Hershal is worth it.

I sit at the table and eat my cereal. My face lights up when I see Alex walk into the cafeteria. "Hey beautiful." Alex smiles "Hey." She sits down besides me and I kiss her head. "Did you get a goodnight sleep." I ask knowing her response "No..the dreams keep coming..I'm not sure whether I should take it as a sign or just my imagination."

Alex has been having these dreams since we got to the prison. Every night its her waking up screaming one second and crying the other. She tells me she hears a cry, like it's a baby's then everything goes black. Like she fell into a dark hole or something.

"I'm sure it's just your imagination. This world has been playing with our minds lately." I comfort, she shrugs and mouths 'I guess so' I rub her back letting her know I'm there, even if it's just her imagination, it's a pretty fucked up dream to be having and I don't want it to mess her up.

Alex's Pov

I sit there with Carl rubbing my back, he obviously knows the dream has been bothering me, it just doesn't  make sense. A babies cry and pitch black. I don't understand!

"Hey! Hey!" Carl shouts at me. Only then do I realize I was slapping myself. "This dream is really bothering me Carl...I don't understand it...i-is God trying to tell me something...test me? I-I just don't know." 

He looks at me in silence. "I'm sure it's fine." I nod "Yeah maybe your right." he laughs "When am I ever wrong." I slap him playfully on the head and begin to eat his cereal. We have a long day ahead.




"Alright, Glenn, Carl and Alex let's go!" Rick calls. We all walk out the prison and hop into a car, Daryl opens the gate and we head out.




We stop at a hospital, it was a while, it was about an half in hour drive. "We split up Glenn and me, Carl and Alex." Rick speaks. I shake my head and walk in with my gun ready and alert. "Remember the task at hand, but if you can find anything useful, grab it, meet back here in twenty minutes or so."  Me and Carl leave Rick and Glenn.

The hallways are dark and there are papers every where. I approach a door that says 'Supply Room', I open the door, gun ready. Surprised when no walkers come out, I check the cabinets. My eyes grow wide as I see food, water, and medicine. "This place fell early." I say grabbing everything and stuffing it in to my bag. Carl doesn't respond. "No one raided it yet." Still no answer.

I walk out of the room and back to the dark, filthy hallways. I go deeper until I hear rustling from behind me. "Carl?" I ask turning around.

I come face to face with a walker that obviously wasn't there before. The only thing I could do is yell for help, being my gun fell when the walker attacked  me. "Help!" I scream again.

That's when I see a girl, she looks older than me, she has blonde colored hair just like mine. That's the only thing I could actually make out but she looks familiar... very familiar. I scream to her for help but she runs away, I don't know if its out of fear or if shes just a bitch. I start to panic as the walker starts to chomp closer to my neck. Before its ready to sink its teeth in, a gunshot goes off. It was Carl. I push the walker off and start to run in the direction the girl went. Hes screaming my name and shouting but I ignore him. We run deeper into the hallways. Every twist and turn, I finally stop to catch my breath. Carl is just three feet away from me and is screaming. "Alex! There's a herd!" "What?" I scream back.  Only then do I realize what he was talking about. Groans of walkers fill the air, I turn around and face about thirty walkers. I don't know what happened but I froze in fear.

Carl's Pov

What the fuck is Alex doing! Shes just standing there! I run up to her and grab her hand and drag her away. I run and run until I met up with my dad and Glenn. "Whats wrong with her?" I shake my head "We need to get out now!" Glenn and my father both give me a confused glare. "There's a herd!" Right when I said that walkers came pouring out from the halls. We all run out and into the car. I throw Alex's bag and gun in first than I lay her in the back seat. I put her head on my lap, her eyes are open but shes not responding to my hand movements. I move my hand in front of her eyes one last time before they shut completely. "Dad! There's something wrong! She...Her eyes are closed!" My dad looks back "You never told us what happened to her, Carl. Was she bit?" I shake my head "I didn't see her get bit. The first walker was about to take a chunk out of her neck but that was before the herd. She froze when the herd came because I don't know, she did come face to face with it because she was running after who knows what." My dad nods while keeping his attention on the road. "We will check her back at the prison, for now get comfortable its going to be a long ride."




~ Back at the Prison~ Three Days Later~

Alex is still asleep...if that's what you want to call it. Hershal said shes in shock and that its weird since shes been in that situation before. Maybe it was the dreams shes been having mixed with the herd that has gotten her all worked up. Hershal has his crutches but he hasn't used them yet, we all wanted Alex to see Hershals first time walking since his accident, so we are waiting for her to wake up witch hopefully is soon. Me and my dad went on a run yesterday and I found a necklace it has best friend in graved on a heart, I'm taking one half and giving the other one to Alex when she wakes up.

Shes my girlfriend and certainly my bestfriend.

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