Chapter 12 ~ A Mistake

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Alex's POV

"Hi I'm Jener."

Okay we just walked in like a second ago and this man already gives be a bad vibe.

"We heard it was safe here...shelter, food, and... a cure." Rick stresses the cure part. "Yes we have shelter and food! Follow me!"

Okay wheres the cure part? Yes food and shelter are great but a cure is perfect!

We follow Jener through a hallway. The lights are almost blinding but I can't help but notice they flicker once in awhile.

He leads us into an elevator, we all step in. Dale is giving Jener his glare but he's trying to stay strong for Andrea. Oh speaking of Andrea, she's been giving everyone the cold shoulder...which I understand...if my sister died I don't know what I would do.

The elevator came to a stop which jerked me a little. Carl held my back in support. I regained my balance and said thank you.

"Now here we have rooms...the showers work but take it easy, the generators don't last forever." He explains walking down the halls.

I look at Carl and smile.

I run into the first room and drop my bags.

"Yes!" I scream earning laughs from the whole group.

"Let's pick rooms, Carl, Alex, and Sofia get a room together, the rest pick your room buddies and find a room."

Of course Rick and Lori, Dale and Andrea, Daryl and Carol, T-Dog and Jackie, and who ever didn't pick ended up with Shane.

"What you guys wanna do? We have the room all to ourselves!" Sofia asks. "What do you mean 'what do we do'?" Carl questions "Like maybe spin the bottle.."

I freeze at her words.

"Why would you want to play that? We are out numberd, two girls one boy...yeah I don't think so." I say "Yeah Alex is right." Carl agrees. "We should pick who's sleeping where." I state.

We get up and walk around. I look through the first room. There's one bed. I look in the next room. There's one bed also.

I go back to the room we were once in. "There's only two of us is going to have to share." I say.

Carl's eyes fill with joy.

Umm okay.

"Me and Alex can share." He says.

"What a good idea Carl!" Sofia screams.

Is it bad I'm shocked by this?

"Y-Yeah sure."

Me and Carl walk into our...our?..yeah our room. It feels weird saying that...but I like it..even if we are friends my feelings are still head strong.

"Thanks for sharing." I say putting my bag on the floor "No problem!" He smirks. My cheeks start to burn.

Whenever he does that my goodness! I can't help my self!

He comes closer, I mean really close.

"I've been meaning to tell you something"

Ummm what!

"Okay" I say suspiciously

"I like you..really like you."

Oh my God! Seriously.

"I like you too...a lot actually." We both chuckle. "But.." he begins

Oh great! Here comes the I don't think we can work out thing!

What Was Once Hidden ~ Carl Grimes FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin