Chapter 56 - Family

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Alex's P.o.v.

Everything hurts right now, but it doesn't really matter. Grayson is here and healthy that's all that matters. I giggle has he grabs my finger with his tiny hand. His eyes are blue and they sparkle, just like his dads. I smile as I look around the train cart. My family, my beautiful little family.

"We need to find a way out of here.' Rick says. I nod. "We can't be in here, what if they try to hurt us again?" I ask worried "They won't hurt you two, I'll make sure of it." Carl tells me.

Carl has been an amazing father so far. It's only been about twenty minuets but his attitude is way better than I thought it would be.

They actually came up with a solution. They're making weapons with wood that was left in here. I don't understand why they would leave wood in here but whatever.

"Do you want to try feeding him?" Maggie asks as the baby starts crying. I nod. "Can they maybe turn away?" I ask referring to the four new people. Maggie nods and tells them to turn around. After they did, I lifted up my shirt alittle. "Make sure he latches on." Maggie lifts his head up abit. It felt weird as he latched onto my nipple, but I quickly got used to it. "That hurt alittle bit." I laugh. "Yeah, the first couple of days of breast feeding will hurt, but you'll get used to it."

"Carl...don't you want to see?" I hear Rick ask. "Nope I'm good for now." Carl says alittle to quickly. I look up and see him covering his eyes. I laugh and roll my eyes. "What's the big deal?" I laugh "It's nothing you haven't seen before..." I joke. Carl laughs and uncovers his eyes. I smile and look down at Grayson. He's just too adorable! After a couple minuets of feeding I started to get tired. So, I burped him and put my bra back on. "Can you take him? Please?" I ask Carl who was sitting by me. He nods and stands up. As he leans down he kisses me, then takes the baby. I yawn as I lay down. Before I completely shut my eye, I look at Carl holding Grayson. They are so cute together. It's even cuter because Grayson is wrapped in Carl's shirt. I laugh to myself and slowly fall asleep.




I wake up to a noise. It sounds like the train door opening. I'm still hurting down there but I quickly stand up. "What's going on!? Where's Grayson!?" I scream. "I have him." I look at Maggie who is cradling a sleeping baby.

Wait...Carl had him....

"Where's Carl?" my heart dropped. Where is he!?

"He's sleeping...him and Rick are sleeping." Glenn says ponting to them. Relief washed over me. "Sorry...ever since Grayson was born...I guess I've just gotten overprotective of my boys." Maggie laughs.

The laughing ended quickly as the train door opens fully. Gareth walks in.

"I'm here to take the girl."

The girl.

"W-Why?" I ask in fear of why he would want me. "Your pregnant right? We don't want to hurt the baby. " He says. Right then Grayson starts crying. "Oh, you already had it? In here?" He asks. I ball up my fists in anger. "His name is Grayson, and yes I had him about an hour ago. Only because you locked us in here you asshole!" I scream. Gareth laughs "Get your baby and come with me." He orders. "No." I say. "Do it or you and your son will die with the rest of your group."

My heart stops and anxiety builds in my stomach. I can't leave Carl in here...but...I have to. I'm not leaving for me, I'm leaving for Grayson's life. I take a crying Grayson and cradle him in my arms as I step out. Carl is asleep I know that, but I stop anway. "I love you Carl." I say before they shut the train door.

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