Chapter 53 - You'll Be Okay

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Carl's P.O.V.

We've been here for a week, only because Alex won't talk or eat. Dad doesn't want to leave until she's better. Michonne told me that when a mother miscarries she's in denial and won't eat or talk for weeks.

"Hey Carl." Michonne says getting my attention. "Can you bring this up to Alex?" She asks. I nod and grab the bowl of cereal. I walk up stairs and walk into our room. Alex is sitting up in bed.

"Honey?" I ask. She doesn't even look at me and that breaks my heart. I place the bowl of cereal on the night stand and sit on the bed. I grab her hands and hold them tight. "Please talk to me." I say. She stares blankly in my eyes. "It was my fault." She says. "No, no it wasn't. Absolutely not." I tell her. "It was inside of me. It had to be my fault." I can tell she's about to cry. "It wasn't your fault." I say. "You did nothing wrong okay...there was just a did nothing wrong." I say stroking her hand with my thumb

Right there she lets out her tears. I pull her into a hug. "You'll be okay." I say kissing her her head.

Alex's P.O.V.

Carl helped me realize that it wasn't my fault and I believe him. It wasn't my fault. Carl left a couple minutes ago with Michonne. They are going to go search the other houses. Rick is up stairs sleeping. I might as well take a nap.





"I can't get the door open Joe!"

My eyes bolt open as the door is trying to open. I can feel the couch beneath me shaking. I run upstairs to Rick.

"Rick!" I scream running into his room. He quickly wakes up. "People are trying to get in!" His eyes grow wide. We hear footsteps and men talking.

"There's girls here! I call dibs on one!" I hear one of the men yell.

Shit! They probably found Michonne's old shirt!

Rick grabs me and pulls me under the bed as we hear them coming up stairs. I can see their feet and their coming into the room. One of the men flop on the bed. I was about to scream but Rick coverd my mouth.

"Hey, Get out." Another man said walking in. "Sorry this ones claimed." The guy on the bed says. "There are other ones in here, go find ya one of them."

They argue back and forth until the guy on the bed gets up and starts a fight. One of the guys fall down and see us. I freaked out a bit but Rick coverd my mouth again. The guy was being strangled and his eyes soon shut. Before the guy could get on the bed again someone called his name and he ran downstairs. Rick and I quickly got up. We ran into the bathroom.

"Who the hell are you!?" A guy gets up from the toilet and starts strangling Rick. I look quickly for a weapon and see scissors on the counter. I grab them and stab the guy in the eye. He stumbles off of Rick and falls into the shower. I grab my gun and shoot him in the head.

It had to be done.

"Let's go." Rick opens the bathroom window and we jump on the roof. He jumps off first.

"I don't know about this." I say. "Don't worry I'll catch you." He says. I nod and jump. Rick catches me like he said he would. Before we could take off one of the men sit on the porch. I could see Rick was about to kill the guy. He ended up not because the guy ran back in after he heard the other men scream.

"Rick go now, there coming." I say as I see Michonne and Carl walking towards the house. Rick and I run off.

"Go!" I say. Carl and Michonne don't ask why they just run.

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