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Hey guys, it's been awhile. I just wanted to say where I was when I wrote this book isn't where I am now. Things have gotten better between my boyfriend at the time and I. Once I finished this book more shit happened, but it's all in the past now.

Him and I are currently dating. We were on and off a lot as you can tell from the authors notes and such from this book. But we were broken up for a year and weren't friends, it was practically a love hate relationship. But then suddenly things got better and we started talking and we're dating. Three months and hopefully many more.

So, what I am trying to say is I am in a different place now from the time I wrote this book. I am older and so much wiser. So just please keep that in mind when you come stumbling across these please reads ect.

Thank you so much for reading, Have a good night/day. :-)

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